Know Thyself to Know the World

When we go inside and process our limiting patterns and emotions, we get to both know and understand ourselves, which causes us to both know and understand the world and those around us. This is after all a fractal reality, which explains the Hermetic adage “as above, so below, as within, so without”; where we can know the higher by first knowing ourselves here on the lower, and we can […] Read more »

I The Forbidden Fruit: Externalized Aspects of Ourselves

Genesis 2:8-9; 15-17 (NIV) 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. […] Read more »

Isaac Newton, Thoth, & the Force

With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” coming out in theaters this week, we will explore the origins of the concept of “the Force”. One of the first people (maybe even the first) to mention “the Force” in English was the noted alchemist and physicist Issac Newton, when he translated the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth” in 1680. Thoth is known as the father of Alchemy and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, […] Read more »

Should We Obey Natural Law?

Natural Law is not a set of rules that we should externally obey, but something that we can internally align with, through unifying the fragmented aspects of Self back into One. Our internal state of being is cause, while the effect of being in unity within is absolute sovereignty in the world of effects, but any external action done as an attempt to make the external world reflect something different […] Read more »

The Two Versions of Unity

As we’ve stated many times, there are two forms of unity that currently exist in our world, each linked to their own version of hierarchy; which we call the natural and unnatural hierarchies. The natural hierarchy is a supportive system that serves one another’s individuality in a harmonious balance of equality of opportunity via its many unique parts, while the unnatural hierarchy is an enmeshed system that uses domination and […] Read more »

How Can We Rise Above the Psychopaths in Power?

A broken psychopath becomes common criminal or serial killer, while a functional psychopath becomes a CEO, politician, and other high end jobs with authority over others. A normally functioning human is ternary with their perceptions, feelings, and actions, but psychopaths are emotionally deficient, and are thus binary with only their perceptions and actions, making them unable to empathize with those around them. This deficiency makes them able to act easily […] Read more »

Is the Occult Evil?

Many people associate the word “occult” with evil practices by witches with crooked noses, dark magicians, Luciferians, and Satanists, however, occulted information is quite literally just hidden information, as the word occult means to hide, hidden, and secret. There has been certain knowledge and understanding that has been occulted, aka hidden, from the general population of humanity so that they might be easier to control. Things such as Natural Law, Hermeticism, and […] Read more »

Re-pattern Worth & Value with EFT Meridian Tapping

Confusing cause and effect, including reversing them, will create the circular reasoning logical fallacy within the perceptions of an individual, which is a type of negative feedback loop and hamster wheel that traps the individual within its walls.  It is therefore important to correct this belief on a subconscious level whenever it is found. One of the common patterns that we’re conditioned into repeating is when we believe that we must DO valuable things in […] Read more »

Avoiding Who We Really Are

Much of our motivation to act and experience life here in this realm is done in the pursuit of avoiding aspects of ourselves that we find less than worthy and valuable; where we behave to avoid our Self, rather than to find and enjoy our Self. We obey laws, play sports, stay healthy, go to school, go to work, attend religious services, look good, get married, do what we need […] Read more »

3D visualization of The Double Torus energy interaction, between male and female energy bodies

Most polarity spectra have an active and passive side, such as the active student polarity (–) and the passive teacher polarity (+), the active worth polarity (–) and the passive value polarity (+), or the active question polarity (–) and the passive answer polarity (+).  Contrary to our current cultural conditioning, our answers are meant to be passive, and it is our questions that are intended to be active in our life; […] Read more »

Is it Okay to Think?

Many teachers view our mind as our biggest block to enlightenment, and that when we are thinking, we aren’t very enlightened. However, the mind in general is not the issue, but how we use our mind that is our problem. According to Hermeticism, which is the foundation of all of the mystical and religious traditions, the ALL is mind, and everything is mental. “THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.”–The […] Read more »

Light, Dark, Gray, & Hermetic Magic

Star Wars has been a clear metaphor for the tension and battle between the forces of light and those of darkness, where they are the modern fictional versions of the light magicians and the dark sorcerers who both yield the creative forces of nature.  Hidden in the battle between the light and dark sides of this perpetual struggle, has been a small but powerful group of gray/neutral magicians who consciously hold both the light […] Read more »

Transmuting Lead into Gold: Reclaiming our Individuality

We’ve been socially engineered to believe that our true power as humans lies within banding together as a group, and that we are able to find strength in numbers. This causes us to amalgamate into herds, whether it is by race, political affiliation, common religion, nation, sexual identity, or even species. We believe that if we can only fit into this group or that group, then we will finally feel safe […] Read more »

GMO Mysticism

The deceiver’s have made it quite difficult for those who choose to awaken to progress, via hijacking the terminology, names, and stories of the mystic paths and crafting elaborate copies, which we see now as the world’s religions. Beyond that though, even the mystical paths have copies, so now terms such as unity, gnosis, understanding, logic, wisdom, shadow work, wholeness, empowerment, archons, alchemy, transformation, Tantra, sacred sexuality, community, and even Hermetics […] Read more »

Union is Found within the Individual

Union is not a collection of people working together towards a common cause, but the harmonious balance of thoughts, emotions, and body working together as One mind within an individual. Being in union is the conscious attainment of perfected individuality from out of the collective unconscious of humanity. ~Nathan & Aline In this, our ‘thoughts’ are the father, our ’emotions’ are the mother, and our ‘body’ is the child. This […] Read more »