I Received Facebook’s Ban Hammer Today

So it finally happened. I have been permanently banned from Facebook for violating their ever evolving “community standards”, so you can no longer find me or my pages there. My partner and I were both banned at the same time, and to even dispute the ban, they required us to submit personal details needed for opening a bank account or a crypto trading account called “KYC” (know your customer).  This […] Read more »

Feminist Roundup

This (the above meme) is because the weak writers of newer projects are projecting their own desire to be powerful, liked, smart, and successful, among other things., onto their characters, rather than creating characters and then developing them. Instead of allowing their characters to go on a hero’s journey and develop from a flawed individual into the triumphant hero, they go on a toxically low self image, envious, and narcissistic […] Read more »

Logic and Morality

Why is it important to learn critical thinking skills and logic, as well as logical fallacies? It is important to learn the correct use of logic, especially multilogical thinking, in order to arrive at truthful conclusions, but many replace logic with logical fallacies, which are a form of anti-logic, as they are deceptions that take the place of logic (deceptive reasons and reasoning), since fallere, from whence fallacy is derived, […] Read more »

Is a European Energy Crisis, Supply Chain Issues, and Global Food Shortages Incoming?

Are we headed into the perfect global economic storm? How is it possible, aside from centrally planning such an interconnected global collapse like one would plan the controlled demolition of a few buildings in NYC, for so many facets of the world economy to all collapse simultaneously? Global food supplies, global energy, supply chains, pandemics, the oil industry, hyper inflation, the stock market, real estate, and Western culture in general, […] Read more »

Simpin for the Man

Simp: “Someone who does way too much for a person they like.” ~Urban Dictionary Simpin… I see a lot of it, and I mean a LOT of it, when it comes to those who love defending their brands, celebrities, groups they identify with, ideologies, and politics. There’s no amount of mental gymnastics they won’t do, and word salad they won’t produce, to try and identify with, and therefore get the perceived rewards from, […] Read more »

The Problem with Blame

Blame is a big problem in the world, and we see a lot of it from the political left when they blame rich people, white people, men, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, anti maskers, anti science, etc., and at it’s core is envy, what Nietzsche called “ressentiment”. It doesn’t solve anything, it just interrogates and tears things down, deconstructs them, but has no creative drive, and doesn’t offer any meaningful solutions. Unfortunately, […] Read more »

Ayn Rand – Why Altruism is Evil

I’m not a fan of the dichotomy of Service to Self (STS) vs Service to Others (STO) found in the Law of One material by the so-called soul group “Ra”. It states that serving ones own self-interests is evil and that serving others is good, however, I would say that at the very least, it’s a false dichotomy fallacy and egocentric oversimplification of our options for aligning our soul, and […] Read more »

Self-Ownership: My Body, My Choice?

I took a lot of unexpected flack on a recent post about taking self-ownership, and how owning ourselves is the property right from whence all other property rights stem, because many people thought that I was making a pro-abortion post along the lines of “my body, my choice”. Here’s the post I shared: Before I discuss my observations about how people responded, I will critique two things about the above […] Read more »

Narcissistic Pseudo Spirituality

I have also observed within spiritual circles narcissistic pretenders who used spirituality as a means of gaining power over others and used their so-called enlightened state as a means of avoiding accountability for their behaviors, as well as those who used faux spirituality to run away from their problems, rather than to process and work through their problems. At first it caused me confusion because I had a hard time […] Read more »

Identicide: Hollywood’s Attack on Western Identity

Lucasfilm, and other companies who own the rights to culturally significant intellectual properties such as Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Who, Ghostbusters, James Bond, and many others, are not only infusing wokeness into them, they’re Postmodernists deconstructing the properties and assassinating the character of the beloved icons under their care. Disney in particular, via Lucasfilm and Marvel, has been using a bait and switch […] Read more »

Bullying: A Block to Abundance and Sustaining Wealth

Many people have a block to abundance due to the “might makes right” mentality that pervades our world; they’re afraid to make money, because if they do, it can be stolen/taken away in so many ways, either through direct force or through covert manipulation, such as inflation, usury, fraud, and market manipulation. Those who do push through in a methodical and process oriented way are still susceptible to having their […] Read more »

Elon Musk and Karpman’s Drama Triangle

With Elon Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter, he has been thrust from a boy wonder to billionaire philanthropist here to save free speech from the clutches of evil leftist demagogues. From around 2012 or so, with the election of Barack Obama as the president of the United States, Western culture, including countries in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia, have made a drastic hard turn to the far totalitarian left. While […] Read more »

Lord of the Rings – A Fandom Too Far

The video below discusses how corporate monopolies (in bed with Leftists) are destroying beloved story franchises, and how they shat on the wrong fandom with Amazon’s new the Lord of the Rings television series. Apparently, Amazon only allows approved people who are “yes men” to review it, and of course have stuffed a bunch of wokism into the it, which is just too far for a well educated fan base […] Read more »

The U.N.: A Global Fear Porn Cult

A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. ~AP News, June 29th, 1989 The UN sounds like a doomsday cult leader with all of their dire predictions of the “end times”. There’s many more just like this one, because like any good cult leader, they […] Read more »

The Super Hero Film Era: How Political Dissent is Neutralised

One of the questions Dave Cullen asks in this video is why people root for the heroes in dystopian scenarios presented to us in movies, but when tyranny is at our own doorstep, the majority not only act cowardly, but in many ways, they actually get behind and help further tyrannical concepts and behaviors. So in the movies they root for the heroes, but in real life they back the […] Read more »