Submission to the Logos and Self-Assessment/Reflection

I voluntarily submit my thinking, and therefore myself, to the Logos, aka to the primordial blueprint of divine reason, humility, and empathy—I see the Logos as an objective process and principles, rules of thinking that act as my foundation that govern my thought processes, and they govern my conversations with other thinkers too. These are objective principles of thought that are now embedded deeply in my heart via my intentional […] Read more »

The Problem with Blame

Blame is a big problem in the world, and we see a lot of it from the political left when they blame rich people, white people, men, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, anti maskers, anti science, etc., and at it’s core is envy, what Nietzsche called “ressentiment”. It doesn’t solve anything, it just interrogates and tears things down, deconstructs them, but has no creative drive, and doesn’t offer any meaningful solutions. Unfortunately, […] Read more »

Envy – the Green Monster that’s Deconstructing the West

Postmodernism, Deconstuctionism, Third Wave Feminism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Socialism, and Progressivism are all examples of far left ideologies that spring forth from the weak’s envy of the strong; they are collectivist ideologies that embody Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of “slave morality”. Envy, which according to Dr Norberto Keppe from the Freud line of psychoanalysis, is at the heart of all mental disorders and pathologies; thus, it is not a far stretch […] Read more »

Money is a Symbol of our Creative Energy

Money is only a symbol of the amount of creative energy we choose to invest into any given experience and endeavor. The more value and worth we place on the endeavor, the more of our energy we will choose to invest. We only use money as symbol of our energetic commitment when we decide not to directly create the experience for ourselves. For example, I can choose to direct my […] Read more »

Are You Powerful, or Are You Empowered?

Many spiritual circles use the terminology Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO) to describe the alignment of the various beings in our Universe, where STS is selfish, manipulative, fragmented, and externalized, and STO is integrated, whole, and creative.  We feel that the Service to Others moniker can be a bit confusing, since “service to others” has come to be associated with “sacrificing for for the greater good”, which is […] Read more »

Reversed Cause & Effect

Humanity has reversed cause and effect, which is a logical fallacy, where we mistakenly believe that the manifestations in our life are our causes, and that our unhappy feelings are our effects; this belief imprisons us in an infinite feedback loop. Since our effects are now seen as our causes, we then erroneously think that we can find new actions (manifestations) that will change what we think is the root cause, but this is […] Read more »