Freedom, Safety, & Natural Law

Natural law can be boiled down to two main pillars, the masculine self-defense principle and the feminine non-aggression principle (NAP), and BOTH provide freedom as a cause and they provide safety as an effect; it can be summarized by the saying “do no harm and take no shit”. The masculine self-defense principle provides freedom to myself to live my life free from external interference (as long as I stay within […] Read more »

Vampire Slaying: A Metaphor for Exposing Lies

Vampires are a metaphor for liars and the lies they tell, for example, vampires are afraid of the sunlight, which is akin to falsehoods not being able to hold up to the light of healthy skepticism and scrutiny, aka the truth disintegrates lies much like sunlight disintegrates vampires. Vampires, like liars and lies, prefer the cover of darkness because it’s easier to hunt for hapless victims when their prey is […] Read more »

Why is it so difficult to wake people up to the truth?

I am often asked, especially more recently with the world caught up in such a gigantic lie, why it is so difficult to wake people up to the truth. This is a really great question, but it’s a difficult one to digest because it takes some humility and courage on the part of the one receiving my answer. If you’re not interested in eating a full serving of humble pie, […] Read more »

The Lies Evil Spirits Tell Us – Swedenborg and Life

Negativity, hatred, isolation, and confusion. How do these psychological spiders creep into our minds and spin webs of deceit? Click below on Show More for full description, free book downloads, and host bio. In this episode, host Curtis Childs guides us through 18th-century philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg’s spiritual insights to see if they can shine a light on the spiderwebs in our minds so we can avoid their traps. Swedenborg and […] Read more »

Why Is it Important to Avoid Compromise?

Why should we avoid compromise and meeting in the middle as a means of solving our problems? We’ve all heard the adage that “we each have our own subjective truth”, and while this may be true, it does not negate the reality of an objective truth’s existence. There are gradients of truth, just as there are gradients of lies. Subjective truth and objective truth are very different, whereas subjective truth […] Read more »

Emotional Integration, Logic, & the Truth

Since we’ve done a lot of emotional integration work, using a refined system of asking ourselves questions that we termed “the Unity Process”, we’ve become much more logical and reasonable in our interactions with ourselves, each other, and others. Each time we integrate a shadow, we reverse engineer and correct an illogical belief system and pattern of relating that caused us to be self-deceived, and thus prone to external deceptions […] Read more »

Truth & Honesty

Truth and honesty are not the same thing, as truth is a cyclical process, while honesty is merely an aspect of the overall process of discerning truth. The formula for truth goes like this: Knowledge (information) + Understanding (reason/logic) – Contradictions = Wisdom (Truth) Knowledge (missing, partial, or manipulated information) – Understanding (logical fallacies) + Contradictions = Folly (Lies/Deception) Honesty is part of the knowledge gathering phase of finding truth, […] Read more »

Logic Before Grammar: Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Have you ever been in a discussion where you felt like you just weren’t on the same page, and that no matter how much information you shared, their mind was already made up?  This is a common problem in today’s world, where the school systems have taught children for generations to think critically with the Classical Trivium, which is the wrong order for utilizing the Trivium method of critical thinking. […] Read more »

Renew Your Mind with the Unity Process & the Trivium

The more capable a person is of processing their emotional triggers and limiting patterns, the more they are able to leave their goal oriented life, to experience a strictly process oriented life.  We must all start somewhere, so we must start to work the process of letting go of attachments and goals, to finally experience the fullness of a life without goals.  Working the Trivium method expands our ability to think critically, as it is our responsibility to renew and […] Read more »