Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Featuring Carl Jung & the Mythology of Star Wars

George Lucas and Star Wars was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work “the Hero’s Journey”, while Joseph Campbell was inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological models. Carl Jung developed what we know as shadow work, which integrates the darkness and light into one within an individual. George Lucas was therefore in the mystical lineage of the man who pioneered the Gray Mystic’s (Jedi’s) path to emotional wholeness, balance, and mastery. Campbell’s ideas […] Read more »

Carl Jung on Anima Projection

Excerpt from Man & His Symbols (Audiobook) by Carl G. Jung on the negative aspect of the anima in the male psyche. The anima and animus, in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology, are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to both the theriomorphic and inferior-function of the shadow archetypes, as well as the abstract symbol sets that formulate the archetype of the Self. The […] Read more »

Jungian Psychology – The Shadow – Carl Jung

This is a video about the shadow layer of the personality in Jungian Analytical Psychology. The shadow is the conglomeration of all of our disowned traits, that function autonomously within our personality and manifest as various issues and neuroses. In order to heal ourselves, we must learn to reintegrate the traits that we have relegated to the shadow so that we can become whole again. Wholeness is more important than […] Read more »

Can Nanobots Be Removed?

This is an excellent article by Wes Penre called Can Nonobots Be Removed, and his eBook Synthetic Super Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind—A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond is also well researched, however, I differ with him in his approach to stopping this agenda.  Merely rescinding our conscious consent is not enough, as we must also rescind our unconscious and subconscious consent. The AIF, Controllers, and Minions understand the First Hermetic […] Read more »

Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality

I see a lot of “teachers” who are exoteric (externalized) in their worldview, aka, they are approaching spirituality through the lens of a materialism, even if they are rebelling against it. Unfortunately, just because they may be rebelling against the effects of materialism doesn’t mean that they have corrected the false paradigm from their thinking. Whereas materialism is exoteric, mysticism is esoteric (internalized), and deals with the inner world of […] Read more »

Forms of Objectivity

The following are excerpts from the book “The Thinkers Guide For Conscientious Citizen’s in How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda” by Richard Paul and Linda Elder: “Objectivity” may appear in three ways. Two are genuine. One is a facade, a counterfeit of objectivity. The Objectivity of Intellectual Humility The first form of objectivity is based on the possibility of developing intellectual humility, knowledge of our ignorance. Thus, a critical consumer […] Read more »

Dirty Trick #32 – Raise Nothing But Objections

Some comments and arguments are not worth responding to with a counter argument or clarification, because the antagonist’s mind is already made up, and their only desire is to provoke us into a power struggle. They know that if they can provoke us, they not only win, but we begin to doubt ourselves, we lose energy, and we lose a little bit of our future motivation to act. We can […] Read more »

Brainwashed: Bred as Sheep from Cradle to Grave

Manipulation, brainwashing, and mind control is not just making people believe certain things to be true or false, rather they are achieved through installing a very specific mode of thinking that keeps the individual trapped within a labyrinth of self-deception. This includes systematically causing the mind to rely on external authorities for answers, reversing and confusing causality, shifting the burden of proof, begging the question, falling for false dilemmas, and the […] Read more »

Transform Your Relationship to Causality, in Order to Transform Your Relationships

Cause is power, and power is cause; it is either inside-out, or outside-in. A powerful being is cause over others, whereas an empowered being is cause of their own life from within. Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause. ~The Kybalion, the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect Mastering cause and effect is a very difficult task, as there seems to be many different interlocking beliefs […] Read more »

The Skull and Bones Metaphor

The skull and bones, also known as the Jolly Roger, is a metaphoric representation of a specific mindset devoid of our emotional core. The skull represents our intellect, aka the “what” and knowledge, while the bones represent action, aka the “how” and wisdom. However, the place where our heart should be, the location of our emotional center, is missing, as this represents the “why” and understanding. The typical human being […] Read more »

Interview with Gray Jedi Sethikus Boza

The Force Awakens–Breaking through the Archon Matrix with Sethikus Boza Archons and the genetic harvesters of the planet’s consciousness, meet the spiritual Jedi’s who have awakened! How to cultivate the force within to break through the matrix of false awareness is explored with Sethikus Boza. Transcending the vortex that spans many dimensions and leaves humanity lost, we meditate on the metaphysical evolution that is happening in society and try to […] Read more »