The Marginalization of “Conspiracy Theories” Due to a Lack of Empirical Proof

Many people will marginalize collusion and conspiracy as a “conspiracy theory” because there is not enough empirical proof to properly explain the crime. It should be noted that empiricism is just one tool in the bag of those who draw on the values of the enlightenment period, and that rationalism is also an important tool to draw on from enlightenment values (Rationalism vs Empiricism). Rationalism does not require empirical proof, […] Read more »

A Guide to Leftist Fallacies

I would add the strawman fallacy, as well as the single cause fallacy. The strawman is because they misrepresent arguments often, and even repeat the strawman ad nauseam, and the single cause fallacy is because they constantly reduce complex and nuanced arguments to simple arguments (giving multilogical problems monological solutions). They even combine these two fallacies by turning them into an ad hominem by reducing the character of the person […] Read more »

Moving Beyond Defensiveness

When I receive critical (and often judgmental) feedback on the materials I share, rather than getting defensive and engaging in a heated, energy draining debate, I’ll systematically ask them questions about their viewpoint. I do this to better understand where they are coming from, to dissect their viewpoint and uncover their underlying assumptions and motivations, to probe their critical thinking skills and intellectual character traits, and to determine if they […] Read more »


Comic Artist Pro Secrets analyzes another article shilling for Disney’s Star Wars.  If Star Wars is so amazing after the acquisition by Disney, then why are they resorting to astroturfing techniques in their marketing, as well as Marxist and Fascist propaganda techniques? It is beyond deplorable that a company would stoop so low, and use every dirty trick in the manipulator’s handbook to sell their movies, and to sell the […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson: Logos – The Articulated Truth

In these three videos, Dr. Jordan Peterson discusses the difficult topic of “The Logos”, which is an ancient concept of embodied and spoken truth, which MUST contain reason, as well as dialogue.  In this way, intellectual empathy and dialogical thinking are connected to this concept.   Read more »

Goodbye to the Left

Leftism attacks and demonizes clarity, distinctions, reason, relevance, precision, and nuance using deception, inversion, confusion, distortions, intimidation, name calling, conflation, and generalizations to subvert and pervert anything different from itself. Leftism’s logical end is a intellectually homogeneous society free from distinctions, uniqueness, individuality, free speech, and free thought—and it plans to get there all in the name of social justice and equity for all.   Read more »

How the Elite Became Our Gods

In this video I discuss how the proof by assertion fallacy is being used to create a new slave reality for all who will buy into their illusion. What can you do to break free from their lies? Would you like to leave the Matrix? Check out our Eventbrite page where we practice working through our emotional upsets and poor thinking in a productive manner, to create inner peace and […] Read more »

PLATO ON: The Allegory of the Cave

The Socratic Method is the way out of the mess we find ourselves in. Most of humanity is still in the cave, but through careful questions and admitting to intellectual humility, we can help people discover how to think, and once they know how to think, they can find the answers they need to leave the cave of ignorance. Read more »

Socrates: Biography of a Great Thinker

We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (” Socrates was one of the founders of Western Philosophy. […] Read more »

TEDxUFM: Michael Strong – Socratic Practice as Disruptive Technology

Would you like to change the world, and disrupt powerful hierarchical systems of relating? Learn about an important practice acts as a disruptive technology to pre established dominance hierarchies, while also making you a free thinking individual. Do you accept the challenge? Read more »

Socratic Questioning Lecture w/ Examples (7 Videos)

We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (”   Read more »

Socratic Questioning vs Sophistry

There are two main ways to have a debate, one is to view it as a power struggle to be won, and the second is to see it as an opportunity to progress and grow. The sophists in ancient Greece would use “the tools of philosophy and rhetoric to entertain, impress, or persuade an audience to accept the speaker’s point of view,” as a means of winning an argumentative power […] Read more »

Mandatory Vaccinations are Unscientific

In this video, I use inductive reasoning to examine the underlying philosophy behind the arguments for and against vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations. Inductive reasoning, which is the foundation of the scientific method, calls for collecting data points, and using them to come to a probable conclusion. However, it seems that proponents of vaccinations are missing out on some important data points that could change their viewpoint on the topic; namely […] Read more »