The Progressive attack on Star Wars destroyed the character of the male Luke “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of good, and retroactively replaced him with a female Rey “Skywalker”, who comes from the lineage of evil. They took the struggles of a simple farm boy who could inspire us to greatness, and replaced it with a perfect know it all without any struggles to replace Han Solo and Luke […] Read more »
Gray Force Users: Are They (Should They Be) in Canon?
Excellent discussion about balance and the gray Jedi concept, and the video producer brings many interesting points to the table. When dealing with light, dark, and gray, it is important to lean on esoteric and psychological concepts which informed George Lucas’s story, especially Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Carl Jung delved extensively into what he called the unconscious shadow, which is that part of ourselves that remains unconscious to us, […] Read more »
Good, Evil, & the Four Force Dispositions
In this video, I explain the concept of good and evil, and how the four force dispositions (light, dark, gray, & occultist) relate to good and evil. Also learn about how artificial intelligence and the common people relate in the bigger picture. Read more »
Gray Mysticism and the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect
The sixth Hermetic Principle states, “ever cause has an effect, and every effect has its cause”. How does a Gray Mystic interpret the principle of cause and effect? Read more »
Welcome to the Gray Mystic’s YouTube Channel!
I have a new YouTube channel that discusses the concept of Gray Mysticism, which is about maintaining a neutral / balanced disposition, as opposed to the light vs dark duality. I discuss this within the context of the Star Wars concept of the Jedi, and their connection with the Force, as they’re based on historic alchemical practices. Welcome to my new YouTube channel, for the Gray Jedi in the real world. Read more »
Master Yoda vs Dark Yoda
It is the task of the Gray mystic to seek out and confront the dark shadows within themselves, face to face, rather than suppressing them, avoiding them, or denying their existence. Our shadows hold much wisdom in their messages to us, and grant us power, if we will but listen to their voice and shine the light of conscious awareness upon them. A suppressed shadow will always come back to […] Read more »
What is a Grey Jedi?
One thing that many people miss when trying to understand the variations of Jedi is that they are looking at it as a completely fabricated story, and not realizing that they are all a metaphor for ancient and modern mysticism. Looking at their roots within Alchemical Hermeticism, along with Hermes/Thoth and the land of Khem, is therefore important. For example, the Hermeticist Sir Isaac Newton coined the term “the Force” […] Read more »
Jedi, Karma, & the Unity Process
It is known among some circles that the concept of “the Force”, originally coined by the Hermeticist/Alchemist Sir Isaac Newton in his translation of the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth”, is based upon ancient mysticism. As practicing gray mystics (neutral), we see that there are three dispositions, and five main parties: dark, light, and gray as force dispositions, then the neutral evil AI presence (called the Demiurge in Gnosticism), and finally […] Read more »
Isaac Newton, Thoth, & the Force
With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” coming out in theaters this week, we will explore the origins of the concept of “the Force”. One of the first people (maybe even the first) to mention “the Force” in English was the noted alchemist and physicist Issac Newton, when he translated the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth” in 1680. Thoth is known as the father of Alchemy and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, […] Read more »
Light, Dark, Gray, & Hermetic Magic
Star Wars has been a clear metaphor for the tension and battle between the forces of light and those of darkness, where they are the modern fictional versions of the light magicians and the dark sorcerers who both yield the creative forces of nature. Hidden in the battle between the light and dark sides of this perpetual struggle, has been a small but powerful group of gray/neutral magicians who consciously hold both the light […] Read more »