Feminist Roundup

This (the above meme) is because the weak writers of newer projects are projecting their own desire to be powerful, liked, smart, and successful, among other things., onto their characters, rather than creating characters and then developing them. Instead of allowing their characters to go on a hero’s journey and develop from a flawed individual into the triumphant hero, they go on a toxically low self image, envious, and narcissistic […] Read more »

Star Trek Discovery – Season 2 Trailer

The whole point of postmodernism and cultural Marxism is to run beloved cultural icons into the ground, and to re-imagine them in a way that furthers their gradualist agendas. In the case of the new Star Trek Discovery and Star Wars sequels, there must be teenage angst, contrived tension, drama for the sake of drama, overpowered characters, and intentionally placed logical contradictions in both the plot and universe, because that […] Read more »


Comic Artist Pro Secrets analyzes another article shilling for Disney’s Star Wars.  If Star Wars is so amazing after the acquisition by Disney, then why are they resorting to astroturfing techniques in their marketing, as well as Marxist and Fascist propaganda techniques? It is beyond deplorable that a company would stoop so low, and use every dirty trick in the manipulator’s handbook to sell their movies, and to sell the […] Read more »

Propaganda and Manipulation: How mass media engineers and distorts our perceptions

This is a second video on the psychology of propaganda and to date has been viewed by over 275, 000 people. Prof. Kroth reviews five major techniques for how American mass media manipulates and twists the view Americans have of their world. The seriousness of the distortion, and our progressive loss of contact with reality is dramatic. We are increasingly living inside a media-induced trance without knowing it. Children believe […] Read more »

Socially Engineered Reactivity and Triggering?

Why are so many people upset when they hear an opinion that differs even slightly from their own? Why are they unable to consider different opinions, and weigh their merits based on the evidence and logic behind them, in a fair minded manner? Why do they personally attack the character of those who share perspectives that do not align with society and social progressiveness? What if it is because humanity […] Read more »

Russians to Investigate Whether America Really Landed on the Moon

I’ve been skeptical of the moon landings since 1999, when I read a book by William Cooper, “Behold a Pale Horse“, which details how they were faked. More info has come out about how Stanley Kubrick, the director of “2001: A Space Odyssey”, basically covertly admitted that he was the one who faked the moon landings, in his movie “The Shining”. Add to that the fact that all telemetry and […] Read more »

Bill Nye, the Orwellian Propaganda Guy

I wrote an article nine days ago called “Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy“, and this is a video made by Truthstream Media with a similar name, which I highly recommend.  Science has become synonymous with propaganda these days, where it is more of a slogan that people say in greeting  each other than a discipline dedicated to discovering objective truth. Read more »

Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy

Look, it’s Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy! The new Netflix series is just awful, and pushes what is called “motivated science”, otherwise known as propaganda. It defends man made climate change (the solar system is heating up, not just our planet), big pharma, vaccines, artificial intelligence, GMO’s, overpopulation, and the new non binary gender trend. That about covers every major battleground being waged between true science vs State sanctioned propaganda […] Read more »

How to Spot Politically & Financially Motivated Science

Here is how to spot politically and/or financially motivated science, which is science that furthers political and/or financial agendas and interests. Motivated science could be used as propaganda for an agenda, or could be supported by propaganda in the form of advertising and media coverage, to ensure financial and other forms of gain. “The product of scientific achievements should be for sale. The scientist should not.” ~A.E. Samaan True science […] Read more »


One common psychological theme I have been seeing a LOT in the media and government propaganda and rhetoric, is of gaslighting. Gaslighting “is a form of mental abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting his or her own memory, perception and sanity. (Source)” A movie was made in 1940 (and 1944), and is free on YouTube, called “Gaslight”, it captures this manipulative tactic perfectly — the PTB love […] Read more »