Many people believe that the worlds problems are due to too much logic, because they view logical people as actively ignoring their feelings, and especially ignoring the feminine. Why might they believe this? Is this true? Read more »
...where the Two become the One
Many people believe that the worlds problems are due to too much logic, because they view logical people as actively ignoring their feelings, and especially ignoring the feminine. Why might they believe this? Is this true? Read more »
What is the Mandela Effect? Why is it happening, is it because we’re timeline jumping, because of timeline manipulation, or are we ascending? Read more »
We are always influencing our environment, but are we empowering those around us, or are we enabling and/or shaming them, with our influence? When we negatively influence our environment, we will usually take actions that fight and control that which we already influenced, as an attempt to make it better — this is the essence of resistance — as we’re swimming against the flow that we initiated. The conflict between our […] Read more »
This is why it is very difficult to go into an open-minded discussion with some individuals, because many people have emotional attachments underlying their beliefs, and this causes them to be intellectually dishonest in the discussion. Unlike us, they do not want to know the truth, but they just want to prove their point, as it soothes their underlying emotional needs that they are attempting to meet by converting, dehumanizing, […] Read more »
Are masculine and feminine a polarity pair, or something different that each contains a polarity pair? Stating that a man or woman is a typical polarity is akin to stating that the earth is a polarity. The earth has a North and South pole, just as each individual human has a North and South pole, but depending on a person’s gender, is reversed. A man’s north magnetic polarity is his […] Read more »
Just an FYI, censorship is alive and well, and has begun in earnest on social media and elsewhere. I was made aware that this “fake news” push has coincided with the US Gov’t giving away control of ICANN to the UN. We are unable to defeat them by fighting fire with fire, and by standing up to their bullying as a group. We are however able to defeat them when […] Read more »
“Are you stuck in a revolving ouroboros, or are you on an evolutionary spiral inwards? In order to leave the ouroboros of externally conditioned thinking and relating behind, we must travel inwards until we reach our Source at the point of internal singularity. It is just past this point of infinite Oneness that we are then able to travel back out into the realm of material experiences, where we can […] Read more »
1) “I’m scared of people who have [GUNS], and some of them do violent things! For the common good, the government needs to limit and control those people! Like, make them register, keep records on them and stuff. Sure, lots of them haven’t done anything–not YET, anyway–but they all have the potential, and we can’t risk what would happen to our society if we just look the other way! This […] Read more »
Our Twin Flame is an external representation and reflection of our internal opposite gender. As a male, our Twin Flame will be the external version of our Anima (internal feminine), and as a female, our Twin Flame will be the external version of our Animus (internal masculine). External reality is merely a reflection (effect) of internal reality (cause); it’s not that our internal other completes us, it’s that they ARE […] Read more »
When watching this, it is important to realize that he is indeed a right leaning atheist, and not a Christian or Gnostic. While I do not subscribe to his unspoken premise that we need politics in any form, he does a good job at supporting the notion that the political left has its foundations built in Satanism and its ideologies. Any student of mysticism and occultism can clearly see the […] Read more »