Jung’s Ideas on Marriage

The mystical path of the divine marriage, also called the divine union and the alchemical marriage, broken down in psychological concepts by Carl Jung. After all, Carl Jung was a student of ancient mysticism, and came to many of his understandings through his own mystical and personal experiences.  I highly recommend listening to this video, and maybe even reviewing it more than once, as it is dense with quality insights […] Read more »

Why Desire Limits our Creative Ability

Not sure if anybody has ever considered the etymological breakdown of “desire” before, but it means to limit and govern creativity and sovereignty. “de-“ means to remove or negate, while “sire” means to beget or to bring into being. Kings would be called “Sire” as a term referring to “my LORD”, as a King was considered to have the right to rule his people as a father had the right […] Read more »

Duality vs Polarity

Polarity is the fourth of only seven Hermetic Principles, which are the foundational laws of nature. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” ~The Kybalion, Polarity: The Fourth Hermetic Principle We make the distinction that duality and polarity are not the same thing. While polarities may be dual in nature, they’re not a duality. Duality is when things are wanted/unwanted (good/bad), but if you look […] Read more »

Gray Force Users: Are They (Should They Be) in Canon?

Excellent discussion about balance and the gray Jedi concept, and the video producer brings many interesting points to the table. When dealing with light, dark, and gray, it is important to lean on esoteric and psychological concepts which informed George Lucas’s story, especially Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung. Carl Jung delved extensively into what he called the unconscious shadow, which is that part of ourselves that remains unconscious to us, […] Read more »

Is it the Patriarchy, or the Dark Triad, that’s Exploiting Western Society?

I’ve come to find that there is a large element of misdirection in the concept of patriarchy and male domination. It’s not masculine imbalance at fault, but rather the Dark Triad, which is a deadly combination of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, that is the true core issue; and blaming men is just the convenient scapegoat. Women tend to display the dark triad in a different manner than men with the […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson: Logos – The Articulated Truth

In these three videos, Dr. Jordan Peterson discusses the difficult topic of “The Logos”, which is an ancient concept of embodied and spoken truth, which MUST contain reason, as well as dialogue.  In this way, intellectual empathy and dialogical thinking are connected to this concept.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUzkCRuYhyI&t=193s   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9q0oL-6nBEI   Read more »

The Masculine Principle – The Right to Self-Defense

Why am I so passionate about the right to keep and bear arms, and why do gun rights matter so much to me? It is because an attack on the right of self defense is an attack on the masculine principle, whose job it is to defend the family from harm. Assault rifles are essentially a metaphoric representation of the masculine principle of self-defense, and attempting to ban them is […] Read more »

Socrates: Biography of a Great Thinker

We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (CriticalThinking.org).” Socrates was one of the founders of Western Philosophy. […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson on the Channel 4 Controversy and Philosophy of “How to be in the World”

Jordan Peterson responds in full to the Channel 4 interview and its aftermath. He also elaborates on what we think are the five strongest points of his philosophy on “how to be in the world”, namely: The centrality of the archetypal hero’s myth The central role of the Logos during the hero’s narrative Making the right sacrifices when bargaining with the future Orienting yourself towards the highest possible good you […] Read more »

The Postmodern Deconstruction of the Star Wars Universe

In the original Star Wars trilogy, the light side of the Force puts forth a process oriented vision of peace, while the dark side puts forth an “ends justifies the means” vision of peace. However, in the new movie “The Last Jedi”, both the light and dark sides are conveying the same message to the audience, “be in the moment, and destroy the past” as their vision of peace, as […] Read more »

The Overt Attack on the Masculine Principle

There is an overt and centralized agenda that has gone into full swing the past decade, where before it was much more subtle, recently it has become quite overt. The feminization of boys and men has taken its toll on the West, like with how BPA’s, soy proteins, and the Atrazine pesticides are confusing male hormones, how third wave feminism attacks men in a myriad of ways, the continual harping […] Read more »

Finding Meaning in our Magical Words

Words are the magic spells we use, based on the meanings we attribute to them, to speak into existence our experiences, and this can be observed the most in our self-talk, and how we speak to ourselves and those around us. Just look at the words that are homonyms to learn the secret behind our words, for we cast spells with our words when we spell them, and we perform […] Read more »

Satan, Lucifer, and the Jesus Archetypes of Ego Development

Satan is the archetype of the undeveloped ego gone wild, Lucifer is the archetype of the ego masquerading as an enlightened being, and Jesus is the archetype of the ego having been fully integrated into the overall Self, called “Selfhood”. We must remain mindful, as both Lucifer and Jesus look awfully similar when observed in a superficial manner, but they are very, very different at their core. The outward similarities […] Read more »