The Non-Aggression and Self-Defense Principles

The feminine principle is best described metaphorically as the non-aggression principle, while the masculine principle is best described metaphorically as the self-defense principle. An out of balance feminine principle is therefore dominant and coercive in nature, and is played out as either aggression, passivity, or passive aggression, while an out of balance masculine is therefore spineless and submissive, and is the proverbial doormat. A healthy feminine principle does not use […] Read more »

Objectivity, Boundaries, Influence, and the Prime Directive

It is not fair minded nor objective to lower our standards of thinking to engage with those who are prone to closed mindedness, or are in the midst of an emotional bias causing them to engage us with motivated reasoning. Meaning, we do not need to dialogue with, nor consider, closed minded, biased, one dimensional, irrational, and judgmental perspectives in order to remain fair minded and objective. Engaging with the […] Read more »

Are You Powerful, or Are You Empowered?

Many spiritual circles use the terminology Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO) to describe the alignment of the various beings in our Universe, where STS is selfish, manipulative, fragmented, and externalized, and STO is integrated, whole, and creative.  We feel that the Service to Others moniker can be a bit confusing, since “service to others” has come to be associated with “sacrificing for for the greater good”, which is […] Read more »

The Underlying Messages Sent to us Through Television Programs

It is okay to watch TV, as long as we are doing so with our critical thinking turned on (we use the Trivium), since most programs are meant to bypass our critical thinking and pull at our feelings, so that they can then condition our minds with their programs. Our critical thinking acts as a type of virus protection and firewall against the external programs that seek to make our […] Read more »

Boundaries Defined

Boundaries are a fence around our being that clearly define where we begin and end in relationship to Self and others, as they show us what is and is not a reasonable use of our value and energy. Our boundaries frame the safe space from which we are able to create the life of our dreams, where we can be as unique and creative as we choose. Enmeshment is where […] Read more »

Clearing up Confusion About Freewill — What is it?

It is important to clarify what freewill is and what it isn’t, since many people think it is the freedom to act, even if another person may not appreciate being on the receiving end of such behavior.  Whereas freewill is the freedom to create, ask questions, and receive anything we choose, it is not the freedom to give answers or anything else we choose to those who have not asked […] Read more »