Aristotle Abandoned

The pseudoscience of the modern age began with the elimination of three out of Aristotle’s four causes. Only one, causa efficiens, the cause of motion, was retained. As a result, the object lost its three dimensions — the eidetic, the hylistic, and, above all, the entelechial. The object ceased to be determined by its spiritual meaning, its malleable connection with the elements, and lost the goal of motion, which synthesized […] Read more »

Awaken with JP: If Body Positivity Logic Was Used Everywhere

JP is a master at using “reductio ad absurdum”, the reduction to absurdity, to make his points by following the horrible logic of leftist and totalitarian thinking to its logical conclusions, and copy pasting them into other spheres of experience to show how absurd they actually are. Disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion, the carrying of something to […] Read more »

An Introduction to the Elements of Thought & the Nine Intellectual Standards

Here are some great introductory videos on the Elements of Thought and the nine Intellectual Standards.  For those who wish to master their lives, they will first need to master how thinking works, and how thinking improves and becomes more objective—after all, we do live in a mental universe governed by thought. “The All is mind; the Universe is mental.” ~The Kybalion, the First Hermetic Principle; Mentalism Click HERE for […] Read more »

Gender Neutral Parenting

To us and our understanding, “gender neutral parenting” confuses a child’s identity, psychologically damages the child, and attacks the foundations of Natural Law. 1) A person’s identity is best built on the solid foundation of Natural Law, and that is why gender fluidity and confusion has been pushed at this late stage in the game, to weaken an individual’s ability to form a solid identity, and to have them build […] Read more »

Carl Jung and the Kybalion on Free Will

The mystic and psychologist Carl Jung on free will: “Where you are not conscious, there can obviously be no freedom. Through the analysis of the unconscious, you increase the amount of freedom. A complete consciousness would mean an equally complete freedom and responsibility. If unconscious contents approaching the sphere of consciousness are not analysed and integrated, then the sphere of your freedom is even diminished through the fact that such […] Read more »

The Question is Our Answer

The law of attraction is simple, opposite polarities attract to each other, much like the north and south poles of a magnet, or positive and negative poles within a directional flow of electricity.  Polarity is found all throughout nature, and creative life experiences are dependent upon it: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but […] Read more »

What Does Balance and Neutrality Really Mean?

It is time that we find our neutrality and balance through mastering our chosen polarity and/or gender, which results in Divine Union of our dual nature, rather than resisting the rhythm of the swings of the pendulum in an attempt to equalize our polarities and/or gender. The first is the organic and natural flow of the Divine passing down through us, while the latter is synthetic, controlled, and unnatural. True balance […] Read more »

The Public Assault on Gender

Have you noticed the recent war on gender in the media, and the release of coinciding government laws? It’s been in effect for decades now, but it has definitely picked up steam in the past few years. Media talking points such as pansexual, gender fluidity, transgender bathrooms, gay marriage, and more. Important note:  While we are not against any of these things in their own right, as individuals have the right to […] Read more »