The Common Law and How it Pertains to Abortion “Rights”

Below is a conversation I had with a Libertarian on a Facebook post he made, not due to the post itself, but a comment thread he was involved in. I find that many Libertarians can also be quite ideological, rather than philosophical, due to their lack of logical insight into the tenets of natural law, the origin of an individual’s natural rights due to man’s ability to use and master […] Read more »

Mandates, Mandatory, and Consent

Let’s examine the meaning of “mandates”, and the “mandatory” label that gets used after the passing of so-called mandates. Mandate comes from the roots “man-” meaning “hand” and implies “authority over”, and “do-” which means “to give”, and together they literally mean “to give an authoritative command or order”. “Mandatory” contains the same proto-Indian-European roots, and means “containing a command”. Nowhere in either word is the concept of truth implied, […] Read more »

The Subscription Model Meets Self-Ownership

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” ~The Great Reset Imagine if you will, a scenario where you do not own any possessions, but at least you own yourself, right? Well, self-ownership, and owning one’s own thoughts and body, is the ultimate possession, so if we do not own property, we must first not own ourselves. The mindset of not owning any property has already been conditioned into us for […] Read more »

The Real Law of Attraction: the Seven Hermetic Principles

The “Law of Attraction” is not a New Age concept, although it is talked about predominantly by New Age gurus, but it actually stems from the fabled teacher Hermes Trismegistus, or the “Thrice Great Hermes”, who first observed the “Seven Hermetic Principles”. These principles are self-evident observations about the nature of the Universe, and the aspects that the All has made manifest to us about itself, also known as “Natural Law”. […] Read more »

Disclosure in a Free Will Universe

  With the heavy focus on disclosing the “truth” of what our governments, bankers, companies, and secret societies have been hiding from the general population, I thought I would explore how people might receive or resist such “truth”.  Additionally, I explore how disclosing truth might be a violation of our Universe’s principle of free will when it is not desired.  Rather than giving people answers to questions they have not […] Read more »

The Hierarchy of Life

Just because we are all equal in our core being as aspects of Source, does not mean that we are all equal in the hierarchy of life, nor in our understanding of life. Is it reasonable for a sales clerk to correct a fireman in his craft, or for a computer repair person to correct the technique of a skilled artisan? We are not all equal in our abilities, in […] Read more »

Causality – Matrix Reloaded

What separates the ruling Elite from us? For one, they understand causality, the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect. To regain our personal power, we must focus our energy on understanding “why” things are as they are, and that starts with knowing “why” we are as we are, “why” we feel as we do, “why” we believe as we do, and “why” we behave as we do. “Beneath our poised […] Read more »

The Public Assault on Gender

Have you noticed the recent war on gender in the media, and the release of coinciding government laws? It’s been in effect for decades now, but it has definitely picked up steam in the past few years. Media talking points such as pansexual, gender fluidity, transgender bathrooms, gay marriage, and more. Important note:  While we are not against any of these things in their own right, as individuals have the right to […] Read more »

The Seven Hermetic Principles

Four of the seven “Hermetic Principles” that define the natural laws of the universe are intimately connected to the mirrors process, they are the Principle of Correspondence, of Polarity, of Cause and Effect, and of Gender. Mastering the mirrors process is the single most important spiritual step that a person can take to transforming their life and taking back their personal power. This process is a practical way to unravel […] Read more »

Nathan Interviews Kris Nelson of Interview of Kris Nelson from Evolve Consciousness on consciousness, the Trivium method, Natural Law, and more. Please check out Kris’s informative web sties at: More on the Trivium method of critical thinking: Read more »

An Angry God or a Natural Course Correction?

We would like to add a different perspective on the current ‘religious‘ mindset of judgment and doom by an external god… there are certain universal laws (truth), things such as polarity, cause and effect, gender, etc., which are also known as “natural law” or the “laws of nature”.  These laws are cyclical, much like a tree has roots, a trunk, branches, and leaves, and the leaves fall to the ground an create […] Read more »

Man-made vs Natural Law

No man-made law ever, no matter whether derived from the past or projected onto a distant, unforeseeable future, can or should ever be empowered to claim that it is greater than the Natural Law from which it stems and to which it must inevitably return in the eternal rhythm of creation and decline of all things natural. This is valid, no matter whether we speak in terms such as “God,” […] Read more »

Jesus, Logic, & the Trivium

In speaking of Jesus, John 1:1 has this to say: “In the beginning, there was the word [logos], and the word [logos] was with God, and the word [logos] was God”. Logos is the Greek word for “logic”, but Christian theology has ignored this possible translation from their interpretations of logos, and their understanding of Jesus; that he might have been the embodiment of logical thinking. This verse could very well have been claiming that […] Read more »