Mandela Effect For PROCTOR & GAMBLE (Mind Blowing Reality Residue)

Here is a video that offers definitive proof that there was a MAJOR change, and that timelines have merged, as “Procter & Gamble” is the current timeline, but there is a lot of evidence, including government and legal documentation, that there was our initial “Proctor & Gamble” timeline as well. Mandela effect deniers want to blame “bad memory”, but this one shoots their theory in the foot. Read more »

Engineered Scarcity & the Lack of Human Resourcefulness

Scarcity is a lie, it doesn’t exist. It is a manufactured mindset that was crafted with the intention of making humanity feel afraid, so that they would support the agendas of unscrupulous politicians (and their hidden puppet masters that employ them) who use scarcity as their reasoning for implementing further controls. Scarcity engenders fear and makes it easier to control the masses, while abundance engenders security and makes it more […] Read more »

Anti-logic: the education plague

by Jon Rappoport March 4, 2017 In all times and places, logic is never taught to the masses. There is no intention to do so. Now, in our “egalitarian society,” education carries with it great PR pretension, a fakery that outflanks any other period in history. Therefore, graduating students wrongly believe they know how to think. In my latest collection, Power Outside The Matrix, I include a long audio tutorial, […] Read more »

How to Discern if a Spiritual Teacher and/or Path is Worth Your Consideration

In a world filled with teachers, paths, and methodologies, it is important to learn how to filter out the wheat from the dross, as a means of maximizing the potential acolyte’s own evolution and self-development with the least amount of dead ends, drama, and false starts.  As a result of my own experiences within the mystical arts, I have designed a checklist of questions meant to assist those acolytes aligned […] Read more »

Generalized Spirituality

I think that there is a tendency within spiritual circles to generalize a lot of the spiritual sounding terms without thinking through and clearly defining what each one means, nor understanding the reasoning behind them. For instance, “unity” is often used as an ideal, but is it being referenced as an internal locus of control unity or external locus of control unity? Ego death is a mine field that can […] Read more »

Is Arguing Critical Thinking?

Arguing your point is not critical thinking, that’s a competitive debate. Critical thinking is the ongoing [open ended] objective discovery of truth in a systematic fashion, and requires standards of thought, various tools and methodologies of inquiry, and a myriad of character traits that places the pursuit of truth above personal feelings and biases. However, arguing is usually engaged in because of biases and emotional attachments to particular outcomes that […] Read more »

Astroturf and Manipulation of Media Messages | TedX

Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist based in Washington D.C. She is currently writing a book entitled Stonewalled (Harper Collins), which addresses the unseen influences of corporations and special interests on the information and images the public receives every day in the news and elsewhere. For twenty years (through March 2014), Attkisson was a correspondent for CBS News. In 2013, she received an Emmy Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for […] Read more »

The Mandela Effect – Do We Live in a Simulation?

The scientist who blew the whistle on the Mandela Effect claimed that we were living in a simulated reality.  Nick Bostrom, Elon Musk, Bank of America, and many others have insinuated that we may indeed live in a simulation.  What exactly does that entail, and what are the implications? Read more »

Reasoned Judgment or a Judgmental Attitude?

What many associate with judgment is based on the common interpretation of Jesus in Matthew 7, when he said “Do not judge lest you also be judged”.  Unfortunately, they throw the baby out with the bathwater, and avoid using their critical thinking to make reasoned judgments.  I delve into what exactly reasoned judgment is, and how it is different from being judgmental.  If this is something that interests you, than […] Read more »

Freedom, Neutrality, and Casuality

Are you cause, or are you effect, in the material world? Are you a game player, or merely a pawn?  If you still think that your actions are what make a difference in the world, then you are still an effect, but if you have learned to integrate and neutralize your emotions, and have altered or are currently altering the core mind patterns responsible for your life, then you are […] Read more »

The Core of Argumentativeness: Confirmation Bias and Motivated Reasoning

It has become painfully obvious to me that many people are unable to get past their confirmation bias and motivated reasoning enough on emotionally charged topics to actually read and comprehend what has been presented by fair minded thinkers. They will bypass around fair minded information, even if it clearly addresses their concerns, because they perceive that it conflicts with their biases — and skip straight to arguing against points that […] Read more »

The Mandela Effect – Why Do Some People Remember, While Others Do Not?

Why do some people remember their old memories with the Mandela Effect while others do not?  What is it that separates the “new earthers” from the “old earthers”? Read more »

Internet Trolling & Comment Moderation – Tricks of the Troll

What is trolling? Why do trolls troll? Do we moderate comments? Why? What are some ways we make ourselves impervious to trolling? Is it ok to dialogue with others, and if so, why? The Thinker’s Guide For Conscientious Citizens on How to Detect Media Bias & Propaganda, by Richard Paul and Linda Elder Chapter 17: Dialogical and Dialectical Thinking Glossary of Critical Thinking Terms Read more »

Are You the One?

Since I made my video on the Mandela Effect whistleblower, I’ve received an awful lot of people claiming to be the One mentioned in the video. Because of this trend, I decided to make a video exploring what and who the One actually is, and give myself a video to send as a reply to anybody else who claims to be the One. At the very least, I would safely […] Read more »

Scientist Blows the Whistle on the Mandela Effect

A scientist claiming to work for the organization responsible for the Mandela Effect answers questions on the anonymous forum 4chan. Is the scientist credible? Is there any truth to what they are saying? Check out my presentation and analysis of the conversation, and the content of their disclosure. Mandela Effect MAIL BAG #1 | Proof Nelson Mandela died in the 1990s? And more! 4chan screenshots of whistleblower conversation Jeremy Bernstein […] Read more »

Contrasts and Creating Your Own Reality

I would like to address the reason why I sometimes appear negative, and am not only posting love, light, unicorns, and rainbows in our writings. As a result of a comment about my supposed negativity, I decided to ask the collective being known as “Abraham” about this (usually channeled by Esther Hicks), as many seem to have a misunderstanding about their work. First and foremost, if you happen to read […] Read more »