TEDxUFM: Michael Strong – Socratic Practice as Disruptive Technology

Would you like to change the world, and disrupt powerful hierarchical systems of relating? Learn about an important practice acts as a disruptive technology to pre established dominance hierarchies, while also making you a free thinking individual. Do you accept the challenge? Read more »

Socratic Questioning Lecture w/ Examples (7 Videos)

We recommend the Socratic Method for all discussions, interactions, conflict resolution, teaching, and processing emotional upsets, as it is a “mode of questioning that deeply probes the meaning, justification, or logical strength of a claim, position, or line of reasoning. Socratic Questioning can be carried out in a variety of ways and adapted to many levels of ability and understanding (CriticalThinking.org).”   Read more »

Socratic Questioning vs Sophistry

There are two main ways to have a debate, one is to view it as a power struggle to be won, and the second is to see it as an opportunity to progress and grow. The sophists in ancient Greece would use “the tools of philosophy and rhetoric to entertain, impress, or persuade an audience to accept the speaker’s point of view,” as a means of winning an argumentative power […] Read more »

Mandatory Vaccinations are Unscientific

In this video, I use inductive reasoning to examine the underlying philosophy behind the arguments for and against vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations. Inductive reasoning, which is the foundation of the scientific method, calls for collecting data points, and using them to come to a probable conclusion. However, it seems that proponents of vaccinations are missing out on some important data points that could change their viewpoint on the topic; namely […] Read more »

Reason & Free Will

True free will occurs when reason shapes our identity and worldview, and we play within the safe confines of its rules, while the illusion of free will occurs when our identity and worldview dictates our reasoning, and we play outside the safe confines of logic. In the illusion of free will, we get to make up the rules of logic as we go, and we don’t have to feel enslaved […] Read more »

The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries with Leftists

It is nearly impossible to have civil discussion with leftists and progressives, which are those who desire social justice, equity, socialism, and even communism, as we’ve found that their emotional capacity was never able to progress past that of young children. The only thing that works when dealing with emotionally petulant children is setting and enforcing firm psychological boundaries; otherwise we’ll end up in energy draining power struggles. It is […] Read more »

Who Killed the Liberal Arts?

“What in the world happened to the liberal arts? A degree in the humanities used to transmit the knowledge and wisdom imbued in the works of great Western artists, writers, musicians and thinkers like Shakespeare and Mozart. But today, that same degree stresses Western racism, sexism, imperialism, and other ills and sins that reinforce a sense of victimhood and narcissism. So, what happened? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute […] Read more »

Homeschooling Mistakes & The Trivium – John Taylor Gatto

“Former New York State Teacher of the Year gives his insights after 30 years in the classroom. Homeschooling families can make the same mistakes as traditional schooling institutions. John Gatto, a world-famous teacher explains what it is. He also gets into the Trivium and Quadrivium as a methodology to dispel confusion.” Read more »

The Overt Attack on the Masculine Principle

There is an overt and centralized agenda that has gone into full swing the past decade, where before it was much more subtle, recently it has become quite overt. The feminization of boys and men has taken its toll on the West, like with how BPA’s, soy proteins, and the Atrazine pesticides are confusing male hormones, how third wave feminism attacks men in a myriad of ways, the continual harping […] Read more »

The Attack on the Eyes of Horus

Why does Hollywood, the music industry, the media, government figures, etc, all use the one eye symbol in photos, especially the “666 ok” symbol over their eye? This is because they’re mocking Horus, who lost his LEFT eye to his uncle Seth (Set) in battle. “The Right Eye of Horus represents concrete factual information controlled by the left brain. It deals with words, letters, and numbers and those things which […] Read more »

Gender Neutral Parenting

To us and our understanding, “gender neutral parenting” confuses a child’s identity, psychologically damages the child, and attacks the foundations of Natural Law. 1) A person’s identity is best built on the solid foundation of Natural Law, and that is why gender fluidity and confusion has been pushed at this late stage in the game, to weaken an individual’s ability to form a solid identity, and to have them build […] Read more »

Our Thoughts on Channeling, and the Need for Discernment

We see imposter channeling ALL the time. If people do not have discernment when speaking to others in this realm, they will not have discernment in who they speak with in other realms. Fortunately, as we refine our discernment here, our discernment also improves there. Many people value having their ears tickled with clever deceptions more than they value the truth, as truth can be quite destructive at times. Thus, […] Read more »

The New Dumbness

The following is an excerpt from “The Underground History of American Education“, by John Taylor Gatto: Ordinary people send their children to school to get smart, but what modern schooling teaches is dumbness. It’s a religious idea gone out of control. You don’t have to accept that, though, to realize this kind of economy would be jeopardized by too many smart people who understand too much. I won’t ask you to take that […] Read more »