Causality – Matrix Reloaded

What separates the ruling Elite from us? For one, they understand causality, the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect. To regain our personal power, we must focus our energy on understanding “why” things are as they are, and that starts with knowing “why” we are as we are, “why” we feel as we do, “why” we believe as we do, and “why” we behave as we do. “Beneath our poised […] Read more »

Should We Use the Bible to Measure Truth?

It is standard Christian teaching that when evaluating what somebody else says or writes, to judge it against Biblical scripture as the test of whether or not it is true; and anything that does not line up with their understanding of what they think the Bible is saying is therefore false. In this way, they have placed what the Bible says, and more importantly, what their interpretation of what the […] Read more »

Being, Doing, and the Trivium Method

As we have stated before, being precedes doing, and it is from the state of being that doing occurs — but how does this relate to the Trivium method of critical thinking? As a reminder, the Trivium method is the repeating cycle of asking what, why, and how, and in that order. Grammar (knowledge, input): asks/answers what (what, who, where, & when) questions. Logic (understanding, processor):  asks/answers why questions. Rhetoric (wisdom, output):  asks/answers how questions A person’s state of being is the relative […] Read more »

The Reason for a Logical Jesus

Why has the use of logic become an antithesis of faith?  For what reason? When I was growing up as a Christian, I was taught that according to the Bible, Jesus was the “Word of God”, and that the “Word was God”, and that therefore “Jesus was God”.   I was taught this tradition based upon John 1:1 and John 1:14, which reads, As you can see from this next graphic, an […] Read more »

Is Spirituality Logical? Why we Encourage Process Work

This blog post was inspired by an interaction on Facebook, one that is probably all too common, where a dissenter believes that spirituality and logic are mutually exclusive ideas.  Here is a screenshot of the interaction, her name was removed to protect her privacy: The following is my reply to anybody that believes that logic and spirituality are incompatible, loosely based on my reply above: Have you heard of the term “process […] Read more »

Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving

Applying the Trivium method of critical thinking to EFT, Tantra, consciousness, spirituality, etc., can magnify your process, results, and experience exponentially. This article by Tragedy & Hope is worth reading several times. ~Nathan Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving by 8thestate Read more »

Renew Your Mind with the Unity Process & the Trivium

The more capable a person is of processing their emotional triggers and limiting patterns, the more they are able to leave their goal oriented life, to experience a strictly process oriented life.  We must all start somewhere, so we must start to work the process of letting go of attachments and goals, to finally experience the fullness of a life without goals.  Working the Trivium method expands our ability to think critically, as it is our responsibility to renew and […] Read more »

The Unity Process & the Trivium

Utilizing the Trivium method of critical thinking within our personal relationships is the essence of the Unity Process.  Without the willingness to work the process of “what, why, and how”, and in that order, it is not possible to blossom into unity from within.  Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of our “what” and “why” into our “how” questions/answers. “What” questions/answers give us […] Read more »

This is Wisdom

“Wisdom is the ability to utilize both your knowledge and understanding in your actions. Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of your “what” and “why” into your “how” questions/answers. If you jump into your “how” without first acquiring enough knowledge and understanding, you are not making a wise choice.” ~Nathan & Aline Read more »