Esoteric, Exoteric, Micro, Macro, & Hermeticism

Many arguments and misunderstandings occur between those who are disposed to esoteric relating and those who are disposed to exoteric relating; let us explain. Exoteric people are more concerned with their relationship to the “outside” and “external” aspects of things, as they do not look at what is within (cause), but prefer to deal in the realm of effects; religions are an example of exoteric spirituality. However, esoteric people are more […] Read more »

How Does Not Answer Why

Quite often, we give “how” answers to “why” questions, which is not a valid nor logical way to cope and deal with a “why” question. If the question is “why do I feel triggered by such and such”, the answer cannot be “then stop interacting with such and such”, as that is a “how” solution to a “why” question. It could be said that the “stop interacting” answer is the […] Read more »

Our Feelings are a Messenger

We often ignore our negative feelings when pursuing a course of action, where we think, suppress, and then act, but we’re meant to think, feel, and then act. If something feels bad to us, it could actually be a poor course of action, but to understand if this is so, we must first honor our feelings as a messenger, and ask why we are feeling them. Once we fully understand why, […] Read more »

Happy Appreciation Week

We find it ironic that people say “Merry Xmas” to secularize Christmas, when X has always been the symbol for Saturn, as it is just a diagonal cross, where the cross and sickle represent the Greek symbol for Saturn ( ♄ ), but also, the Greek letter χ (chi) is the first letter for both “Christ” (χριστός) and “Chronos” (χρόνος).  Also, geometrically, a 2D cross folds up into a 3D cube, where […] Read more »

Rationality or Spirituality?

Rationality and spirituality not only mix, they are intimately tied into one another; spirituality devoid of logic is ignorant and delusional, while rationality devoid of spirit is entropic and lifeless. In order for us to experience a life filled with meaning and direction, the two must be harmoniously balanced by a third ingredient—our emotions. It is our emotional attachments that make us either too logical or too irrational, where we […] Read more »

Jedi, Karma, & the Unity Process

It is known among some circles that the concept of “the Force”, originally coined by the Hermeticist/Alchemist Sir Isaac Newton in his translation of the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth”, is based upon ancient mysticism. As practicing gray mystics (neutral), we see that there are three dispositions, and five main parties: dark, light, and gray as force dispositions, then the neutral evil AI presence (called the Demiurge in Gnosticism), and finally […] Read more »

I The Forbidden Fruit: Externalized Aspects of Ourselves

Genesis 2:8-9; 15-17 (NIV) 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. […] Read more »

Isaac Newton, Thoth, & the Force

With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” coming out in theaters this week, we will explore the origins of the concept of “the Force”. One of the first people (maybe even the first) to mention “the Force” in English was the noted alchemist and physicist Issac Newton, when he translated the “Emerald Tablets of Thoth” in 1680. Thoth is known as the father of Alchemy and of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, […] Read more »

Truth & Honesty

Truth and honesty are not the same thing, as truth is a cyclical process, while honesty is merely an aspect of the overall process of discerning truth. The formula for truth goes like this: Knowledge (information) + Understanding (reason/logic) – Contradictions = Wisdom (Truth) Knowledge (missing, partial, or manipulated information) – Understanding (logical fallacies) + Contradictions = Folly (Lies/Deception) Honesty is part of the knowledge gathering phase of finding truth, […] Read more »

The Loud World of Ad Hominem Attacks

Original Article: The Loud World of Ad Hominem Attacks by Jon Rappoport December 8, 2015 The content of an argument vs. the person making the argument (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.) “One of the main purposes of propaganda is making people feel stupid. How do you do that? Send them obvious lies and contradictions from cathedrals of power. Watch them shake their heads and retreat […] Read more »

Should We Obey Natural Law?

Natural Law is not a set of rules that we should externally obey, but something that we can internally align with, through unifying the fragmented aspects of Self back into One. Our internal state of being is cause, while the effect of being in unity within is absolute sovereignty in the world of effects, but any external action done as an attempt to make the external world reflect something different […] Read more »

Boundaries Defined

Boundaries are a fence around our being that clearly define where we begin and end in relationship to Self and others, as they show us what is and is not a reasonable use of our value and energy. Our boundaries frame the safe space from which we are able to create the life of our dreams, where we can be as unique and creative as we choose. Enmeshment is where […] Read more »

The Trivium’s Evil Twin: Hegel’s Dialectic

As you may already know from other articles we’ve written, the Trivium is a method of critical thinking based in asking questions in a specific cyclical order.  It comprises the first three of the liberal arts of “grammar, logic, and rhetoric”, where liberal stands for “free man“; historically, the liberal arts where not allowed to be taught to slaves, but only to the “free man”.  The Trivium’s order of asking […] Read more »

The Two Versions of Unity

As we’ve stated many times, there are two forms of unity that currently exist in our world, each linked to their own version of hierarchy; which we call the natural and unnatural hierarchies. The natural hierarchy is a supportive system that serves one another’s individuality in a harmonious balance of equality of opportunity via its many unique parts, while the unnatural hierarchy is an enmeshed system that uses domination and […] Read more »

Why Can’t I Seem to “Get Things Done”?

We often idolize those people whom we perceive are able to “get things done”, who are able to take their strategies and implement them in order to reach their goal. For example, the head coach for a sports team is judged favorably for his wins and losses record, these men and women are able to take the “what” (strategy) in their mind and make a “how” (action) that turns into […] Read more »