
Envy is the rot at the center of Marxism in all of its forms… This is an important insight to share with people, because all of the leftist’s arguments begin to make logical sense once you realize that envy is their unstated but prominent premise. Ayn Rand called envy “so inhuman an emotion that those who feel it seldom dare admit it even to themselves…. That emotion is: hatred of […] Read more »

Envy – the Green Monster that’s Deconstructing the West

Postmodernism, Deconstuctionism, Third Wave Feminism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Socialism, and Progressivism are all examples of far left ideologies that spring forth from the weak’s envy of the strong; they are collectivist ideologies that embody Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of “slave morality”. Envy, which according to Dr Norberto Keppe from the Freud line of psychoanalysis, is at the heart of all mental disorders and pathologies; thus, it is not a far stretch […] Read more »

ΜOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Come and Get Them!

There comes a time in a man’s life when his back is up against a wall and the enemy has encroached too far upon his family, property, and natural rights, where he’s just gotta to say, “ΜOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Come and Get Them!” It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a […] Read more »

Arguing with Sophists

Sophistry; fabricating evidence and arguments to support a position, usually based on an emotional attachment to an identity built upon falsities, rather than allowing reason and evidence to shape a position, regardless of how it affects one’s identity. Attempting to have a rational and fairminded discussion with a sophist is anything but fairminded, and never will be, as the two forms of thinking are motivated by contradictory end goals. One […] Read more »

The Decreasing Viability of YouTube as a Platform for Independent Creators

Dave Cullen examines the viability of continuing to use YouTube as a platform.  He brings up the interesting point that while Google is a private company, and can seemingly do as it wishes in regards to censorship, they built up their stock and became a monopoly as a result of the free market system.  Does a monopoly have the right to censor? https://youtu.be/hhHzOE4qY8Y   Read more »

Rights vs Privileges – The NFL Protests: Taking a Knee & Bowing

Do the employees of a private corporation, such as the National Football League (NFL – which holds their player’s rights), who are privileged to play American football at the professional level, have the right to free speech at their employer’s offices (stadiums)? What is the nature of rights and privileges, and what is their difference? There is an argument, such as when Facebook, YouTube, or Google censors people, that since […] Read more »

Carl Jung and the Shadow: Integrating the Hidden Power of Your Dark Side

“The shadow, when it is realized, is the source of renewal…When there is an impasse, and sterile time in our lives—despite an adequate ego development—we must look to the dark, hitherto unacceptable side which has been at our conscious disposal.” ~Edward Whitmont Learn how to do shadow work for yourself, easily and effortlessly, HERE. Read more »

Is it the Patriarchy, or the Dark Triad, that’s Exploiting Western Society?

I’ve come to find that there is a large element of misdirection in the concept of patriarchy and male domination. It’s not masculine imbalance at fault, but rather the Dark Triad, which is a deadly combination of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, that is the true core issue; and blaming men is just the convenient scapegoat. Women tend to display the dark triad in a different manner than men with the […] Read more »

The War on Children The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda

Tyrants want you to actively express your sexual freedom, so that you will not notice when you lose your actual rights and liberties. As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator … will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope and movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects […] Read more »

Why Is The Media Lying About Jordan Peterson?

Why Is The Media Lying About Jordan Peterson? Maybe it is because he and his ideas about individuality and responsibility are a threat to the goal of world government? We make a mistake when we project our ideology and intentions onto the political left, especially when we are projecting our values of individuality onto them. They’re a herd and collective, and as such, move as a collective. In order for […] Read more »

The Core Dynamic Within Judgmentalness – Externalized Boundaries

When we turn an expectation into a boundary, we become a judge rather than a creator. Boundaries are not meant to bring us freedom, but safety; expectations are what bring us freedom. Boundaries are what we choose not to create with our energy, while expectations are what we do choose to create with our energy. The power over others game (master/slave consciousness), as opposed to the Logocentric truth game, are […] Read more »

White Privilege Debunked! Ryerson University Conference Exposed!

White privilege is the imaginary belief that all your problems in life are not your own fault, nor are they curable by having you, as an individual, take some responsibility for your own life. A white privilege conference is set to take place at Ryerson University in Toronto from May 9th to the 12th. The conference will address “global perspectives on white privilege and oppression in Canada (and beyond).” In […] Read more »

Is There Such Thing as Moral Extortion?

I’m all about tolerance, but tolerance crosses a line when it becomes compulsion and mandatory speech/behavior. Unfortunately, much of what passes as “love and compassion” is actually just coercion at gunpoint. If a loving idea requires my time, energy, or money, and I do not want to give it to the people or the idea, then it is immoral and evil, a violation of my person and/or property, and not […] Read more »

Multiculturalism Violates the Non-Aggression Principle

I’m as tired of some of the black and white monological Ancaps and Voluntaryists as I am of the illiberal far left. Their black and white thinking suggests an immature manner of processing information, as well as psychological conditions known as “codependency” and “splitting“. To all of the “having borders and limiting immigration is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)” people out there: I have a fence around my property, […] Read more »

Which Way, Westerners?

It appears that multiculturalism actually destabilizes and weakens society, and does not actually strengthen society. Duh, that’s the point, and why it was forced down our throats in the first place—to subvert and destabilize western culture and society to the point that we are easier to take over and rule with totalitarian forms of governance. The illiberal left are just beginning to discover that their ideas don’t actually translate to […] Read more »

Moving Beyond Defensiveness

When I receive critical (and often judgmental) feedback on the materials I share, rather than getting defensive and engaging in a heated, energy draining debate, I’ll systematically ask them questions about their viewpoint. I do this to better understand where they are coming from, to dissect their viewpoint and uncover their underlying assumptions and motivations, to probe their critical thinking skills and intellectual character traits, and to determine if they […] Read more »


Comic Artist Pro Secrets analyzes another article shilling for Disney’s Star Wars.  If Star Wars is so amazing after the acquisition by Disney, then why are they resorting to astroturfing techniques in their marketing, as well as Marxist and Fascist propaganda techniques? It is beyond deplorable that a company would stoop so low, and use every dirty trick in the manipulator’s handbook to sell their movies, and to sell the […] Read more »