Season of the Serpent | Book Trailer

The Garden of Eden story is re-imagined in this smart and satirical, contemporary fantasy, a metaphysical thriller set in the last days of the Cold War. “Season of the Serpent” is a thought provoking, multi-layered mix of history, mythology, science fiction, and Synchronicity.  Learn more about the book and author at Find them on Season of the Serpent – Book 1 Season of the Serpent – Book 2 Read more »

Duality, Polarity, and the False Dilemma Fallacy

“A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, false binary, black-and-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either–or fallacy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, fallacy of the excluded middle, the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The opposite of this […] Read more »

Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey Featuring Carl Jung & the Mythology of Star Wars

George Lucas and Star Wars was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s work “the Hero’s Journey”, while Joseph Campbell was inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological models. Carl Jung developed what we know as shadow work, which integrates the darkness and light into one within an individual. George Lucas was therefore in the mystical lineage of the man who pioneered the Gray Mystic’s (Jedi’s) path to emotional wholeness, balance, and mastery. Campbell’s ideas […] Read more »

Jungian Psychology – The Shadow – Carl Jung

This is a video about the shadow layer of the personality in Jungian Analytical Psychology. The shadow is the conglomeration of all of our disowned traits, that function autonomously within our personality and manifest as various issues and neuroses. In order to heal ourselves, we must learn to reintegrate the traits that we have relegated to the shadow so that we can become whole again. Wholeness is more important than […] Read more »

Interview with Gray Jedi Sethikus Boza

The Force Awakens–Breaking through the Archon Matrix with Sethikus Boza Archons and the genetic harvesters of the planet’s consciousness, meet the spiritual Jedi’s who have awakened! How to cultivate the force within to break through the matrix of false awareness is explored with Sethikus Boza. Transcending the vortex that spans many dimensions and leaves humanity lost, we meditate on the metaphysical evolution that is happening in society and try to […] Read more »

How Do We Create Our Own Reality? w/ Bentinho Massaro

Mirrors: the realization that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. Inside is cause and the outside is effect, but we’ve been trained and conditioned to perceive the external as cause and our internal state as effect. This externalized perception of cause is why we experience anger, which is merely the feeling of powerlessness. Empowerment is the perceptional view from the inside-out, while disempowerment is the […] Read more »

Alchemically Transform Your Blocks with Your Thinking

Aline and I were reflecting on the following question for many days, “what is the difference between hitting a block and minimizing it by going into cognitive dissonance, and hitting a block and alchemically transforming it?” The answer was monological vs multilogical thinking.  According to Monological (one-dimensional) problems: Problems that can be solved by reasoning exclusively within one point of view or frame of reference. For example, consider the following problems: 1) […] Read more »

Falling in Love with Your Shadow Side

How can you fall in love with your shadow side? JP Sears asks you to consider that your shadow side is the only lover who can ever be enough to truly fulfill you. He shares how your shadow side is comprised of the things you’re most threatened and shamed by about yourself. The reason why a lot of psychological and physical pain and dysfunction occurs is due to the denial […] Read more »

Welcome to the Gray Mystic’s YouTube Channel!

I have a new YouTube channel that discusses the concept of Gray Mysticism, which is about maintaining a neutral / balanced disposition, as opposed to the light vs dark duality. I discuss this within the context of the Star Wars concept of the Jedi, and their connection with the Force, as they’re based on historic alchemical practices. Welcome to my new YouTube channel, for the Gray Jedi in the real world. Read more »

Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, and Alchemy

Everyone thinks, but not everyone utilizes critical thinking skills in their thinking. Enlightenment is not the ability to avoid our mind, but the ability to properly analyze and process information as it comes into our experience, to deepen our mind. It is the state of being in a continual process that is aligned with natural laws, and not misaligned processing, nor the avoidance of processing. Critical thinking is the gateway […] Read more »

What is a Grey Jedi?

One thing that many people miss when trying to understand the variations of Jedi is that they are looking at it as a completely fabricated story, and not realizing that they are all a metaphor for ancient and modern mysticism. Looking at their roots within Alchemical Hermeticism, along with Hermes/Thoth and the land of Khem, is therefore important. For example, the Hermeticist Sir Isaac Newton coined the term “the Force” […] Read more »

The Power of Integrating our Shadows

When we master our thoughts and emotions, by deepening our self-knowledge and understanding through emotional process work, we become able to calmly navigate the external storms, interactions, and experiences that would have ordinarily triggered us into our survival response. Whereas we used to react, struggle, and fight for our lives, we are now able to respond to each situation with a powerful, quiet confidence.  This confidence doesn’t come through bypassing […] Read more »