Those who think that the natural transmission of a disease is a violation of rights and an act of aggression are being ridiculous, and such a notion is an inversion of negative law. They’ve obviously been playing way too many zombie related video games and watching way too much scripted television programming, therefore causing them to blur the lines between fiction and reality in their minds; the basic premise that […] Read more »
Individualism, Collectivism, the Non-Aggression Principle, and Mandatory Vaccinations
Mandatory vaccinations are an inversion of law that makes the collective’s rights more important than the individual’s rights, and this is irrational since collective/group rights do not exist, but only an individual’s natural rights exist. Mandatory vaccinations are a collective solution and not an individual solution, because they make each individual responsible for the collective’s well-being, rather than allowing each individual to be responsible for themselves and their family’s well-being. […] Read more »
Veganism’s Faulty Foundational Premise: Animal Rights
The ideology of veganism (distinct from a vegan diet) is a subjective ideology built on the flawed premise that animals have natural rights, and that their natural rights make it immoral for humans to benefit from them in any way. The ideology of veganism states that an animal’s rights stem from their ability to feel pain, however, at least according to the philosophy of natural law, rights are derived from […] Read more »
What’s the Difference Between Liberty and Freedom?
Here’s a few random, but hardly exhaustive thoughts on the difference between liberty and freedom. Liberty connotates what is right, while freedom connotates independence and the freedom to think, feel, and act as one pleases. Liberty is connected to self-rule and self-determination, but in a principled manner that respects the natural rights/liberties of others, and is a form of morally restrained freedom, while freedom is more of a general term, […] Read more »
Altruism is Evil – Ayn Rand
“What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value. Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others. These are not primaries, but consequences, which, in […] Read more »
Jung’s Theory of the Self & Collective Shadow Projection
Let’s talk about Carl Jung’s theory of the Self, which is concerned with the microcosm, and explore how it might correspond to the collective manifestation in the macrocosm. I see the current makeup of the West, especially the dominant polarized swing into identity politics, as evidenced by radical anti-male sentiment, anti-white sentiment, and anti-straight sentiment that’s manifested in the West a collective shadow, as well as much confusion about the […] Read more »
The Immorality of Mandatory Vaccinations and Compelled Speech
Why are mandatory medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, immoral? Here’s one reason: The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning, which is different than deductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not certain, but rather a generalization and probability based on the collected evidence. The conclusion of deductive reasoning can be certain, even if the conclusion is wrong (because it was fed incorrect premises), however, the conclusion of inductive […] Read more »
Moral Relativists Masquerading as Moral Absolutists
Many people mistake multilogical reasoning as moral relativism, and think that monological reasoning is moral absolutism, because multilogical reasoning takes a complex multilayered view of the world coupled with the humility to know there’s always more to learn, while monological reasoning is much more black and white, and appears sure of itself. However, monological reasoning (see definitions further below), which is black and white logic, is often informed by emotionally […] Read more »
“Settled Science” is a Thought-Terminating Cliche Meant to End Rational Discussion
“The science is settled” is self-contradictory, as the whole point of science is to test, dissect, work through, and re-evaluate in an ongoing effort to gain ever more knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Such a contradiction is a red flag revealing biased science. Settled science, which is a thought-terminating cliche meant to end all attempts at meaningful discussion, especially with topics such as vaccinations, global warming/climate change, […] Read more »
Types of Government, Explained
This video explains the political spectrum in SIMPLE, RATIONAL terms, what is meant by (right/left wing), and what they stand for. Read more »
Doomcock’s Laws of Canon: A Culture War Manifesto
Franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars are not mere intellectual property; they are modern mythologies, our common language and cultural heritage. But they are under assault by corporations who wish to destroy them in order to replace them with something they believe will be more financially profitable, and as fans WE are under assault by these corporations for resisting this corruption of our dreams, for revolting at the idea […] Read more »
Misconceptions About Free Speech & Domination
One of the biggest weaknesses of the West, and of America in particular, is it’s naivety against predators utilizing the liberties of the West to exploit and engineer the downfall of the West. This means using the free market to create a corporate monopoly as a means of ending open competition, and using the freedoms of speech as a means of ending free speech and individual autonomy. As an example […] Read more »
The Burden of Proof & Violent Mass Events
The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove. The inability, or disinclination to disprove a claim does not make it valid. “Bertrand declares that a teapot is, at this very moment, in orbit around the Sun between Earth and Mars, and that because no one can prove him wrong his claim is therefore valid.” ~Your Logical Fallacy Is […] Read more »
From Codependency to Sovereignty – Let’s Build the Wall
National borders correspond to healthy psychological boundaries, but instead of them being the psychological boundaries of an individual person, they are the psychological boundaries of a collective nation. Healthy boundaries are not a barrier blocking everyone out, nor are they an open sponge allowing everyone in, but they’re more like a filter that filters out unwanted behaviors and allows in wanted behaviors. Another way of seeing a boundary is as […] Read more »
Duality vs Polarity
Polarity is the fourth of only seven Hermetic Principles, which are the foundational laws of nature. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” ~The Kybalion, Polarity: The Fourth Hermetic Principle We make the distinction that duality and polarity are not the same thing. While polarities may be dual in nature, they’re not a duality. Duality is when things are wanted/unwanted (good/bad), but if you look […] Read more »