Freedom, Neutrality, and Casuality

Are you cause, or are you effect, in the material world? Are you a game player, or merely a pawn?  If you still think that your actions are what make a difference in the world, then you are still an effect, but if you have learned to integrate and neutralize your emotions, and have altered or are currently altering the core mind patterns responsible for your life, then you are […] Read more »

Scientist Blows the Whistle on the Mandela Effect

A scientist claiming to work for the organization responsible for the Mandela Effect answers questions on the anonymous forum 4chan. Is the scientist credible? Is there any truth to what they are saying? Check out my presentation and analysis of the conversation, and the content of their disclosure. Mandela Effect MAIL BAG #1 | Proof Nelson Mandela died in the 1990s? And more! 4chan screenshots of whistleblower conversation Jeremy Bernstein […] Read more »

The Mandela Effect & the Fifth Hermetic Principle of Rhythm

How does the Fifth Hermetic Principle of Rhythm fit into the experiences we’re having with the Mandela Effect, timeline shifting, and more?  This could give some more clues as to the scope of what we’re dealing with, and hopefully provoke us to ask more questions. To learn more about the Seven Hermetic Principles, pick up the esoteric and easy to read tome, “The Kybalion“. Read more »

The Power of Influence

We are always influencing our environment, but are we empowering those around us, or are we enabling and/or shaming them, with our influence?  When we negatively influence our environment, we will usually take actions that fight and control that which we already influenced, as an attempt to make it better — this is the essence of resistance — as we’re swimming against the flow that we initiated.  The conflict between our […] Read more »

The Seventh Hermetic Principle of Gender

Are masculine and feminine a polarity pair, or something different that each contains a polarity pair? Stating that a man or woman is a typical polarity is akin to stating that the earth is a polarity. The earth has a North and South pole, just as each individual human has a North and South pole, but depending on a person’s gender, is reversed. A man’s north magnetic polarity is his […] Read more »

Can Nanobots Be Removed?

This is an excellent article by Wes Penre called Can Nonobots Be Removed, and his eBook Synthetic Super Intelligence and the Transmutation of Humankind—A Roadmap to the Singularity and Beyond is also well researched, however, I differ with him in his approach to stopping this agenda.  Merely rescinding our conscious consent is not enough, as we must also rescind our unconscious and subconscious consent. The AIF, Controllers, and Minions understand the First Hermetic […] Read more »

Exoteric vs Esoteric Spirituality

I see a lot of “teachers” who are exoteric (externalized) in their worldview, aka, they are approaching spirituality through the lens of a materialism, even if they are rebelling against it. Unfortunately, just because they may be rebelling against the effects of materialism doesn’t mean that they have corrected the false paradigm from their thinking. Whereas materialism is exoteric, mysticism is esoteric (internalized), and deals with the inner world of […] Read more »

Transform Your Relationship to Causality, in Order to Transform Your Relationships

Cause is power, and power is cause; it is either inside-out, or outside-in. A powerful being is cause over others, whereas an empowered being is cause of their own life from within. Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause. ~The Kybalion, the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect Mastering cause and effect is a very difficult task, as there seems to be many different interlocking beliefs […] Read more »

Interview with Gray Jedi Sethikus Boza

The Force Awakens–Breaking through the Archon Matrix with Sethikus Boza Archons and the genetic harvesters of the planet’s consciousness, meet the spiritual Jedi’s who have awakened! How to cultivate the force within to break through the matrix of false awareness is explored with Sethikus Boza. Transcending the vortex that spans many dimensions and leaves humanity lost, we meditate on the metaphysical evolution that is happening in society and try to […] Read more »

How Do We Create Our Own Reality? w/ Bentinho Massaro

Mirrors: the realization that our external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. Inside is cause and the outside is effect, but we’ve been trained and conditioned to perceive the external as cause and our internal state as effect. This externalized perception of cause is why we experience anger, which is merely the feeling of powerlessness. Empowerment is the perceptional view from the inside-out, while disempowerment is the […] Read more »

Why Is it Important to Avoid Compromise?

Why should we avoid compromise and meeting in the middle as a means of solving our problems? We’ve all heard the adage that “we each have our own subjective truth”, and while this may be true, it does not negate the reality of an objective truth’s existence. There are gradients of truth, just as there are gradients of lies. Subjective truth and objective truth are very different, whereas subjective truth […] Read more »

What is Instant Karma?

What is karma, and by extension, what is instant karma?  The concept is extremely important to mystics of all types, learn how it pertains to how it governs how mystics from the various dispositions interact with one another. I apologize for the camera becoming blurry on and off in this recording, I am not sure why it had problems. Read more »