THUNK – 86. Cognitive Biases & the Socratic Method

This is a powerful method of discovering our deep underlying biases, as well as of discovering the truth, and aligning with it. We use this process daily in our discussions and in sessions with our clients, and highly recommend it to anyone who has a thirst for truth, as well as a thirst for sharing the truth with others in a way that propels everyone forward. Human thought has hundreds […] Read more »

The Modern University

The modern university has become an biased training ground for political ideologues, with the intent to stamp out all opposing viewpoints and thinking as hateful, backwards, violent, and authoritarian.  The ironic thing is, they do this all while embodying these character traits while shadow projecting on all opposing viewpoints. The university has become the breeding ground for ideological hate and violence in their attack against viewpoint diversity. Read more »

Jordan Peterson on the Channel 4 Controversy and Philosophy of “How to be in the World”

Jordan Peterson responds in full to the Channel 4 interview and its aftermath. He also elaborates on what we think are the five strongest points of his philosophy on “how to be in the world”, namely: The centrality of the archetypal hero’s myth The central role of the Logos during the hero’s narrative Making the right sacrifices when bargaining with the future Orienting yourself towards the highest possible good you […] Read more »

Mandatory Vaccinations are Unscientific

In this video, I use inductive reasoning to examine the underlying philosophy behind the arguments for and against vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations. Inductive reasoning, which is the foundation of the scientific method, calls for collecting data points, and using them to come to a probable conclusion. However, it seems that proponents of vaccinations are missing out on some important data points that could change their viewpoint on the topic; namely […] Read more »

Is Fascism Right Or Left?

While I do not consider myself on the right, but more of a classical liberal, this presentation does link classical liberalism to modern conservatism.  Overall, it is a good presentation. “Every Republican president since the 1970s has been called a fascist. Ironic, no? After all, fascism has its roots in the left. Dinesh D’Souza, author of The Big Lie, explains.” Read more »

The Postmodern Deconstruction of the Star Wars Universe

In the original Star Wars trilogy, the light side of the Force puts forth a process oriented vision of peace, while the dark side puts forth an “ends justifies the means” vision of peace. However, in the new movie “The Last Jedi”, both the light and dark sides are conveying the same message to the audience, “be in the moment, and destroy the past” as their vision of peace, as […] Read more »

Camille Paglia Gives Feminists a History Lesson

Women need men, for it is through looking into the mirror of men that women are able to get to know and appreciate their own uniqueness better.  Conversely, men need women, for it is through looking into the mirror of women that men are able to get to know and appreciate their own uniqueness better. “When an educated culture routinely denigrates masculinity and manhood, then women will be perpetually stuck […] Read more »

Is the future of Star Wars more Gray than simply Dark vs Light?

I think we need to start looking at the Gray Jedi in light of Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, who is a being that has transcended traditional group morality of good and evil, and has a higher individualistic morality based on their experiences to form a holistic perspective of the workings of life. An Übermensch has the ability to conceptualize and process so many angles, layers, and aspects of any […] Read more »

The Pre/Trans Fallacy

Aline and I run into this fallacy often, where people in the “pre-“ state of spirituality misunderstand the concept of unity, and perceive it as psychological enmeshment, much like the concepts of patriotism and/or group identification, and not in the “trans-“ state of psychological differentiation from a collective through achieving Selfhood.  Instead of doing the work to integrate and align their internal aspects of self, as a means of moving […] Read more »

Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

In this video, the Academy of Ideas looks behind the reasons for compulsory public schooling, and what you learn may shock you. Recommended Reading: Dumbing us Down – John Taylor Gatto – (affiliate link) The Prussian Connection to American Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto: For Part 1, CLICK HERE. For Part 2, CLICK HERE. For Part 3, CLICK HERE. For Part 4, CLICK HERE. The New Dumbness, by John Taylor Gatto, […] Read more »