The Dangers of Sympathy

Some thoughts on sympathy, and how it can be manipulated with guilt, called “guilt manipulation”, to herd people towards desired outcomes. “Socialism itself can hope to exist only for brief periods here and there, and then only through the exercise of the extremest terrorism. For this reason it is secretly preparing itself for rule through fear and is driving the word “justice” into the heads of the half-educated masses like […] Read more »

Mandates, Mandatory, and Consent

Let’s examine the meaning of “mandates”, and the “mandatory” label that gets used after the passing of so-called mandates. Mandate comes from the roots “man-” meaning “hand” and implies “authority over”, and “do-” which means “to give”, and together they literally mean “to give an authoritative command or order”. “Mandatory” contains the same proto-Indian-European roots, and means “containing a command”. Nowhere in either word is the concept of truth implied, […] Read more »

Why is it so difficult to wake people up to the truth?

I am often asked, especially more recently with the world caught up in such a gigantic lie, why it is so difficult to wake people up to the truth. This is a really great question, but it’s a difficult one to digest because it takes some humility and courage on the part of the one receiving my answer. If you’re not interested in eating a full serving of humble pie, […] Read more »

Cain vs Abel Masculine Archetypes

The brothers, Cain and Abel, as represented by Saturn and Jupiter, are currently in conjunction in Capricorn, and are here to retell the story of value, envy, and murder. Both brothers gave an offering to God, but only Abel’s offering was considered valuable enough, while Cain’s offering was rejected—as a result of his rejection, and his feelings of shame, Cain murdered his brother Abel, because Abel’s offering had more value […] Read more »

Society’s Role in Individualism vs Collectivism

Many people defend collectivism by saying that we need a collective society, but it is a direction of flow, and not an either/or black or white false dilemma fallacy between the individual and society. In individualism, the united collective is there to support, serve, and protect the individuality, rights, and autonomy of each person, while in collectivism, there is a conformist group mind and the individual must give up their […] Read more »

The Royal Track of Mysticism

Do you want to take your spirituality and mystical practice to the next level? If so, I suggest taking the path that royalty takes. Please read the exchange between Alexander the Great and his mentor Aristotle (see below), where Alexander laments the release of information in Aristotle’s treatise “Metaphysics”, as it gives the common man what only the bloodlines should be allowed to know. However, Aristotle implied that one cannot […] Read more »

How To Defeat SJW’s and Marxists

As we grow as an individual, and integrate our fragmented sense of Self through observing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and reflecting on them, we grow psychologically from physically oriented beings into moral and philosophical beings. Each state of being transcends and includes the previous states of being, and each state that we master makes us more and more powerful as conscious and autonomous individuals distinct from the collective’s unconscious […] Read more »

Empathetic Reasoning, Sympathy, and Compassion

Most people hold a different definition of empathy than I do. Their version of empathy is how I define sympathy, and sympathy definitely needs to be held in check, because it’s typically psychologically enmeshed “together with the feeling”, which is the etymological breakdown of sympathy. Empathy: -en (in) + pathos (feeling) Sympathy: syn- (together) + pathos (feeling) Whereas sympathy is enmeshed together with others in a feeling, and only understands […] Read more »

Equality & Equal Outcome is a Myth

‪Equality between people is a myth; those who want to feel equal actually want to feel special, to feel that their uniqueness can contribute and add value in some way. Those who don’t feel special feel inferior, and they try to find ways to compensate for their feelings of inferiority by trying to feel equal, but one cannot reach equality from inferiority, one can only flip into its dualistic counterpart […] Read more »

The Road From Equality to Inversion

Absolute equality breeds inversion. We’re equal under the law, which is the notion that what is right and true is the same for all people regardless of stature, but that is where equality should begin and end, because beyond that, we’re all unique and different. A case can be made that equality, like altruism, is evil. Jonathan Pageau explains how the simple desire for equality leads to inversion, and why […] Read more »

Dealing with Sophists: Proving Your Argument vs Proving Yourself

Have you ever been caught off guard by a person who was attempting to debate you, rather than attempting to engage you in a fairminded conversation?  They ask for proof of your position, which on the surface seems to be a reasonable request, and they may even veil their position with words such as “science”, “reason”, or some altruistic motives, but since it is a debate against you and not […] Read more »

Jung’s Theory of the Self & Collective Shadow Projection

Let’s talk about Carl Jung’s theory of the Self, which is concerned with the microcosm, and explore how it might correspond to the collective manifestation in the macrocosm. I see the current makeup of the West, especially the dominant polarized swing into identity politics, as evidenced by radical anti-male sentiment, anti-white sentiment, and anti-straight sentiment that’s manifested in the West a collective shadow, as well as much confusion about the […] Read more »

Balkanization is Collective Mind Control

Balkanize: 1) to break up (a region, a group, etc.) into smaller and often hostile units 2) DIVIDE, COMPARTMENTALIZE ~Merriam-Webster Dictionary Balkanization is a mind control technique used on a population rather than an individual. In mind control, they fracture the personality into compartments so that they can program in an alter personality that will obey them, such as an assassin personality, a sex kitten personality, and a top secret […] Read more »

The Immorality of Mandatory Vaccinations and Compelled Speech

Why are mandatory medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, immoral? Here’s one reason: The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning, which is different than deductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not certain, but rather a generalization and probability based on the collected evidence. The conclusion of deductive reasoning can be certain, even if the conclusion is wrong (because it was fed incorrect premises), however, the conclusion of inductive […] Read more »

On Stupidity, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

One becomes stupid when they abdicate their will over to an ideology or collective; while they retain their intellect, their will to think independently, and to question their beliefs, is forfeited. “This was taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany.” ~Dr Cliff “DK” Kelly ‘Stupidity is […] Read more »