The Underlying Messages Sent to us Through Television Programs

It is okay to watch TV, as long as we are doing so with our critical thinking turned on (we use the Trivium), since most programs are meant to bypass our critical thinking and pull at our feelings, so that they can then condition our minds with their programs. Our critical thinking acts as a type of virus protection and firewall against the external programs that seek to make our […] Read more »

The Difficulties in Conveying a Sound Argument

One of the major hurdles we run into when conveying certain concepts to others is their inability to understand the logical implications and nuances of our message. Their thinking is clouded by their own self-deceptive logic, so much so, that they are unable to reconcile the facts of a situation when they are presented, and immediately go into denial, resistance, name calling, and argumentativeness; which they support with poor logic. […] Read more »

What Does it Mean to Be Open Minded?

Over the course of the past few years, a few people have felt that we weren’t open minded, since we were not open to their opinions and reasoning, but this is far from true, as it is our ability to think critically that causes us to accept or reject their opinions. Not all opinions and reasons are equal, as many are built upon emotional attachments, missing knowledge, and/or fallacious (deceptive) […] Read more »

Beware of False Teachers & Leaders

Each person speaks and writes their insights from the level that they are at, and from where their perceptions are in the moment they are conveying their message. If they have not honed their ability to reason, especially with a system of critical thinking that continually asks and refines questions (we recommend the Trivium), then the messages that they are conveying are going to be quite limited, uninformed, and lacking reason. […] Read more »

I The Forbidden Fruit: Externalized Aspects of Ourselves

Genesis 2:8-9; 15-17 (NIV) 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. […] Read more »

Truth & Honesty

Truth and honesty are not the same thing, as truth is a cyclical process, while honesty is merely an aspect of the overall process of discerning truth. The formula for truth goes like this: Knowledge (information) + Understanding (reason/logic) – Contradictions = Wisdom (Truth) Knowledge (missing, partial, or manipulated information) – Understanding (logical fallacies) + Contradictions = Folly (Lies/Deception) Honesty is part of the knowledge gathering phase of finding truth, […] Read more »

Boundaries Defined

Boundaries are a fence around our being that clearly define where we begin and end in relationship to Self and others, as they show us what is and is not a reasonable use of our value and energy. Our boundaries frame the safe space from which we are able to create the life of our dreams, where we can be as unique and creative as we choose. Enmeshment is where […] Read more »

The Trivium’s Evil Twin: Hegel’s Dialectic

As you may already know from other articles we’ve written, the Trivium is a method of critical thinking based in asking questions in a specific cyclical order.  It comprises the first three of the liberal arts of “grammar, logic, and rhetoric”, where liberal stands for “free man“; historically, the liberal arts where not allowed to be taught to slaves, but only to the “free man”.  The Trivium’s order of asking […] Read more »

Why Can’t I Seem to “Get Things Done”?

We often idolize those people whom we perceive are able to “get things done”, who are able to take their strategies and implement them in order to reach their goal. For example, the head coach for a sports team is judged favorably for his wins and losses record, these men and women are able to take the “what” (strategy) in their mind and make a “how” (action) that turns into […] Read more »

The Question is Our Answer

The law of attraction is simple, opposite polarities attract to each other, much like the north and south poles of a magnet, or positive and negative poles within a directional flow of electricity.  Polarity is found all throughout nature, and creative life experiences are dependent upon it: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but […] Read more »

Create a Limitless Life!

Aline and I re-watched the movie Limitless again, since there is a new television series by the same name that picks up a side story based within the original movie’s parameters.  Watching the movie reminded us of how we are already “limitless” in so many ways, having exercised our reasoning, and removed many of our emotional attachments through conscious observation.  As humans, we do not require an NZT-48 designer drug […] Read more »

Transmuting Lead into Gold: Reclaiming our Individuality

We’ve been socially engineered to believe that our true power as humans lies within banding together as a group, and that we are able to find strength in numbers. This causes us to amalgamate into herds, whether it is by race, political affiliation, common religion, nation, sexual identity, or even species. We believe that if we can only fit into this group or that group, then we will finally feel safe […] Read more »

All We Need is Love!

Love is the answer to all of our problems, right? We hear “all we need is love” proclaimed by our religious and spiritual gurus, but what exactly is love? Put simply, love and understanding are the same thing; to comprehend love we must also understand understanding. When we understand something, we know the reasoning and logic of it; and the more we understand it, the more we become intimate and […] Read more »

Being, Doing, Cause, & Effect

Why is it that people think that they can change the mirror, rather than change the Source that is viewing itself in the mirror? It is a fallacy that society trains people to repeat, where they try to find an action to fix their situation; they believe that if they can only change their doing, then their experience will also change, but this is just a negative feedback loop going […] Read more »

Einstein on Education

Einstein is often quoted as having said, “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” However, this was not his exact wording, but a paraphrasing of what he said in a letter to Thomas Edison: “It is not so very important for a person to learn facts. For that he does not really need a college. He can learn them from books. The […] Read more »