It is the task of the Gray mystic to seek out and confront the dark shadows within themselves, face to face, rather than suppressing them, avoiding them, or denying their existence. Our shadows hold much wisdom in their messages to us, and grant us power, if we will but listen to their voice and shine the light of conscious awareness upon them. A suppressed shadow will always come back to […] Read more »
Sex, Money, & the Mystic’s Orientation
Light and Dark are both an unnatural duality, where the Light is considered good and the Dark is considered bad, but they are also a metaphor for that which we consciously embrace (Light) and that which we unconsciously shun (Dark) within ourselves. In our current reality, based on the collective perception of life that we have been raised within, sex and money are two focal points that have been conditioned […] Read more »
The Difficulties in Conveying a Sound Argument
One of the major hurdles we run into when conveying certain concepts to others is their inability to understand the logical implications and nuances of our message. Their thinking is clouded by their own self-deceptive logic, so much so, that they are unable to reconcile the facts of a situation when they are presented, and immediately go into denial, resistance, name calling, and argumentativeness; which they support with poor logic. […] Read more »
What Does it Mean to Be Open Minded?
Over the course of the past few years, a few people have felt that we weren’t open minded, since we were not open to their opinions and reasoning, but this is far from true, as it is our ability to think critically that causes us to accept or reject their opinions. Not all opinions and reasons are equal, as many are built upon emotional attachments, missing knowledge, and/or fallacious (deceptive) […] Read more »
What is a Grey Jedi?
One thing that many people miss when trying to understand the variations of Jedi is that they are looking at it as a completely fabricated story, and not realizing that they are all a metaphor for ancient and modern mysticism. Looking at their roots within Alchemical Hermeticism, along with Hermes/Thoth and the land of Khem, is therefore important. For example, the Hermeticist Sir Isaac Newton coined the term “the Force” […] Read more »
The Power of Integrating our Shadows
When we master our thoughts and emotions, by deepening our self-knowledge and understanding through emotional process work, we become able to calmly navigate the external storms, interactions, and experiences that would have ordinarily triggered us into our survival response. Whereas we used to react, struggle, and fight for our lives, we are now able to respond to each situation with a powerful, quiet confidence. This confidence doesn’t come through bypassing […] Read more »
Know Thyself to Know the World
When we go inside and process our limiting patterns and emotions, we get to both know and understand ourselves, which causes us to both know and understand the world and those around us. This is after all a fractal reality, which explains the Hermetic adage “as above, so below, as within, so without”; where we can know the higher by first knowing ourselves here on the lower, and we can […] Read more »
Why do Dark Occultists use Sacred Geometry?
I made the following comment on a video that was demonizing sacred geometry because it was being historically used by dark occultists, and also currently being used by dark occultists in the entertainment industry. I was quite frustrated by their lack of critical thinking and poor logic, which was good at pointing out that there was indeed a dark message being conveyed, but was accompanied by ridiculous reasoning based on their […] Read more »
Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)
(Warning: Graphic content) A compilation of Larken Rose audio clips taken from various radio interviews. Edited by Harvey Lester ( You can purchase Larken’s book, ‘The Most Dangerous Superstition’, HERE. Read more »
How to Persuade Others with the Right Questions: Jedi Mind Tricks from Daniel H. Pink
Helping people find their own why, which motivates them into action, without needing to make them, or pressure them, into doing it. Read more »
Emotional Integration, Logic, & the Truth
Since we’ve done a lot of emotional integration work, using a refined system of asking ourselves questions that we termed “the Unity Process”, we’ve become much more logical and reasonable in our interactions with ourselves, each other, and others. Each time we integrate a shadow, we reverse engineer and correct an illogical belief system and pattern of relating that caused us to be self-deceived, and thus prone to external deceptions […] Read more »
Carl Jung and the Kybalion on Free Will
The mystic and psychologist Carl Jung on free will: “Where you are not conscious, there can obviously be no freedom. Through the analysis of the unconscious, you increase the amount of freedom. A complete consciousness would mean an equally complete freedom and responsibility. If unconscious contents approaching the sphere of consciousness are not analysed and integrated, then the sphere of your freedom is even diminished through the fact that such […] Read more »
They Live | Based on a True Story
Fear is the symptom of lacking knowledge, but when we can see the truth, we can perceive the truth, and when we can perceive the truth, we will know the truth, and when we finally know the truth, we will no longer be afraid of deception. Ironically, we’re afraid to open our eyes because we’re afraid of what we might see (circular reasoning), but in reality, when we finally open […] Read more »
Beware of Reasoning with the Blind
Attempting to prove a concept or idea with reason to a person who is currently unable (and especially unwilling) to perceive it’s validity can be quite emotionally taxing, since they do not have the same “knowing” (knowledge/gnosis) as you, nor the desire to open their perceptions wide enough to know it for themselves. They will remain stuck in the “appeal to ignorance” logical fallacy, since they are lacking the knowledge […] Read more »
Beware of False Teachers & Leaders
Each person speaks and writes their insights from the level that they are at, and from where their perceptions are in the moment they are conveying their message. If they have not honed their ability to reason, especially with a system of critical thinking that continually asks and refines questions (we recommend the Trivium), then the messages that they are conveying are going to be quite limited, uninformed, and lacking reason. […] Read more »