The History of Political Correctness

Political correctness is a farce, as it is taking responsibility for the feelings of others instead of allowing them to be responsible for them. If we are unable to say what we’re feeling, we are denying others the opportunity to deal with their feelings, process their emotions, and correct their root perceptions that originally caused the interaction and offense in the first place. It is a missed opportunity for us to work […] Read more »

Do you act to become, or do you act because you are?

Do you act to become, or do you act because you are? This is more than a subtle distinction, but a radically different perspective that determines the quality of your life. Acting to become is attempting to do something to be something that you are not already, however, acting because you are is performing actions from a place of awareness and self-knowledge, because you are already it, and now it […] Read more »

Boundaries, Perceptions, and Cause and Effect

If you must set a boundary in an interaction, you do not yet have effective boundaries in this area of your life; boundaries only need to be enforced when they haven’t been previously set. Setting boundaries requires knowledge of what you are creating in your life, and an understanding of why you are creating it, so that you can make conscious changes to your root perceptions – which allows you to […] Read more »

What Does it Mean to be Empowered?

  There are two perceptual worldviews that we can build our lives upon, an externalized causality from the outside-in, and an internalized causality from the inside-out.  Those who operate as if the external world is cause will view themselves as merely an effect; and this is known as “victim consciousness”.  However, those who operate as if their internal world is cause will view their external world as an effect; and […] Read more »

Reflection & Projection

There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »

Are You Powerful, or Are You Empowered?

Many spiritual circles use the terminology Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO) to describe the alignment of the various beings in our Universe, where STS is selfish, manipulative, fragmented, and externalized, and STO is integrated, whole, and creative.  We feel that the Service to Others moniker can be a bit confusing, since “service to others” has come to be associated with “sacrificing for for the greater good”, which is […] Read more »

The Power of Integrating our Shadows

When we master our thoughts and emotions, by deepening our self-knowledge and understanding through emotional process work, we become able to calmly navigate the external storms, interactions, and experiences that would have ordinarily triggered us into our survival response. Whereas we used to react, struggle, and fight for our lives, we are now able to respond to each situation with a powerful, quiet confidence.  This confidence doesn’t come through bypassing […] Read more »

Fractal Balance, Polarity, & Attraction

To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart […] Read more »

Esoteric, Exoteric, Micro, Macro, & Hermeticism

Many arguments and misunderstandings occur between those who are disposed to esoteric relating and those who are disposed to exoteric relating; let us explain. Exoteric people are more concerned with their relationship to the “outside” and “external” aspects of things, as they do not look at what is within (cause), but prefer to deal in the realm of effects; religions are an example of exoteric spirituality. However, esoteric people are more […] Read more »

I The Forbidden Fruit: Externalized Aspects of Ourselves

Genesis 2:8-9; 15-17 (NIV) 8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. […] Read more »

The Two Versions of Unity

As we’ve stated many times, there are two forms of unity that currently exist in our world, each linked to their own version of hierarchy; which we call the natural and unnatural hierarchies. The natural hierarchy is a supportive system that serves one another’s individuality in a harmonious balance of equality of opportunity via its many unique parts, while the unnatural hierarchy is an enmeshed system that uses domination and […] Read more »

3D visualization of The Double Torus energy interaction, between male and female energy bodies

Most polarity spectra have an active and passive side, such as the active student polarity (–) and the passive teacher polarity (+), the active worth polarity (–) and the passive value polarity (+), or the active question polarity (–) and the passive answer polarity (+).  Contrary to our current cultural conditioning, our answers are meant to be passive, and it is our questions that are intended to be active in our life; […] Read more »

Collective vs Individual Reality Generation

Each being can be likened to an individual film projector, where the life force energy that flows through each person is the film, and thus the story, that each gets to create and experience.  This life force energy has many names, whether it is chi, kundalini, natural law, or the Force, but for all intents and purposes, it is actually “time/space”. This actuality has far reaching ramifications, as it means […] Read more »

The Sex vs. Money Duality

Sex and money are an unnatural polarity, also known as a duality, and if a person polarizes into one side to find their value, the other side will automatically attract to it.  Money value attracts sexual value, and sexual value attracts money value, it is how the Hermetic Principle of Polarity works.  Prostitution is the most honest metaphor for being polarized with sexual value, as it attracts those with money […] Read more »

Clearing up Confusion About Freewill — What is it?

It is important to clarify what freewill is and what it isn’t, since many people think it is the freedom to act, even if another person may not appreciate being on the receiving end of such behavior.  Whereas freewill is the freedom to create, ask questions, and receive anything we choose, it is not the freedom to give answers or anything else we choose to those who have not asked […] Read more »