Raising Children without their Birth Gender?

Should children be allowed to choose their own gender when they get older, rather than just being who they are born as? This is in response to a new trend called “raising theybies”, where parents raise children without a gender until which time the children decide what they will be. It is a well known psychological fact that children are in an open state of hypnosis until the age of […] Read more »

Developing Our Individuality Should Be Our Core Value

Do “the needs of the many,” really outweigh “the needs of the few?”  We have concluded that the development of our individuality should be at the forefront of everything we engage in, and not the development of the group, or the structures erected to protect and perpetuate the group. This may seem selfish at first, but there is an important nuance that most people miss when making this judgment. For […] Read more »

The All Seeing Eye, and How to Defeat It

This was an article that Aline and I wrote back in October of 2014 on our Scribd page, but I wanted to post it here again, because it is still pertinent, especially in regards to envy.  The “All Seeing Eye” is above all envious of beauty, and devours it thinking that it will make itself happy, abundant, and fulfilled. “Nothing is more valuable to the evil one than his eye, […] Read more »

Envy – the Green Monster that’s Deconstructing the West

Postmodernism, Deconstuctionism, Third Wave Feminism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Socialism, and Progressivism are all examples of far left ideologies that spring forth from the weak’s envy of the strong; they are collectivist ideologies that embody Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of “slave morality”. Envy, which according to Dr Norberto Keppe from the Freud line of psychoanalysis, is at the heart of all mental disorders and pathologies; thus, it is not a far stretch […] Read more »

ΜOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Come and Get Them!

There comes a time in a man’s life when his back is up against a wall and the enemy has encroached too far upon his family, property, and natural rights, where he’s just gotta to say, “ΜOΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – Come and Get Them!” It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a […] Read more »

Rights vs Privileges – The NFL Protests: Taking a Knee & Bowing

Do the employees of a private corporation, such as the National Football League (NFL – which holds their player’s rights), who are privileged to play American football at the professional level, have the right to free speech at their employer’s offices (stadiums)? What is the nature of rights and privileges, and what is their difference? There is an argument, such as when Facebook, YouTube, or Google censors people, that since […] Read more »

Is There Such Thing as Moral Extortion?

I’m all about tolerance, but tolerance crosses a line when it becomes compulsion and mandatory speech/behavior. Unfortunately, much of what passes as “love and compassion” is actually just coercion at gunpoint. If a loving idea requires my time, energy, or money, and I do not want to give it to the people or the idea, then it is immoral and evil, a violation of my person and/or property, and not […] Read more »

Multiculturalism Violates the Non-Aggression Principle

I’m as tired of some of the black and white monological Ancaps and Voluntaryists as I am of the illiberal far left. Their black and white thinking suggests an immature manner of processing information, as well as psychological conditions known as “codependency” and “splitting“. To all of the “having borders and limiting immigration is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)” people out there: I have a fence around my property, […] Read more »

This is Feminism

This is what masquerades as empowerment, activism, and purpose—which is shallow if you ask me. What they’re far from grasping is that personal power comes from mastering ‘the why’, which is principle of casualty. Impulsivity and indulgence are not powerful at all, but demonstrate quite the opposite—a lack of understanding—which is power. Power comes from mastering the principle of causality, and nothing else. It can be equated to an internal […] Read more »

The Masculine Principle – The Right to Self-Defense

Why am I so passionate about the right to keep and bear arms, and why do gun rights matter so much to me? It is because an attack on the right of self defense is an attack on the masculine principle, whose job it is to defend the family from harm. Assault rifles are essentially a metaphoric representation of the masculine principle of self-defense, and attempting to ban them is […] Read more »

The Non-Aggression and Self-Defense Principles

The feminine principle is best described metaphorically as the non-aggression principle, while the masculine principle is best described metaphorically as the self-defense principle. An out of balance feminine principle is therefore dominant and coercive in nature, and is played out as either aggression, passivity, or passive aggression, while an out of balance masculine is therefore spineless and submissive, and is the proverbial doormat. A healthy feminine principle does not use […] Read more »

Carl Jung, the Shadow, and the Dangers of Psychological Projection

“The sad truth is that man’s real life consists of a complex of inexorable opposites—day and night, birth and death, happiness and misery, good and evil. We are not even sure that one will prevail over the other, that good will overcome evil, or joy defeat pain. Life is a battleground. It always has been, and always will be.” (Carl Jung, Approaching the Unconscious) “Of the many metaphors used to […] Read more »

Steve Kerr calls out government after latest school shooting

Watch this short clip to better understand what I say below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65qZADBUypE Coach Kerr, in your professional basketball opinion, what is the purpose of the second amendment? Oh, you do not really understand it?  I will give you my understanding then… The Second Amendment was created for many reasons, but the biggest was to keep politicians accountable to the people they serve. In constitutional law, guns are not just for […] Read more »

The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries with Leftists

It is nearly impossible to have civil discussion with leftists and progressives, which are those who desire social justice, equity, socialism, and even communism, as we’ve found that their emotional capacity was never able to progress past that of young children. The only thing that works when dealing with emotionally petulant children is setting and enforcing firm psychological boundaries; otherwise we’ll end up in energy draining power struggles. It is […] Read more »