The War on Children The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda

Tyrants want you to actively express your sexual freedom, so that you will not notice when you lose your actual rights and liberties. As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator … will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope and movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects […] Read more »

Why Is The Media Lying About Jordan Peterson?

Why Is The Media Lying About Jordan Peterson? Maybe it is because he and his ideas about individuality and responsibility are a threat to the goal of world government? We make a mistake when we project our ideology and intentions onto the political left, especially when we are projecting our values of individuality onto them. They’re a herd and collective, and as such, move as a collective. In order for […] Read more »

White Privilege Debunked! Ryerson University Conference Exposed!

White privilege is the imaginary belief that all your problems in life are not your own fault, nor are they curable by having you, as an individual, take some responsibility for your own life. A white privilege conference is set to take place at Ryerson University in Toronto from May 9th to the 12th. The conference will address “global perspectives on white privilege and oppression in Canada (and beyond).” In […] Read more »

Is There Such Thing as Moral Extortion?

I’m all about tolerance, but tolerance crosses a line when it becomes compulsion and mandatory speech/behavior. Unfortunately, much of what passes as “love and compassion” is actually just coercion at gunpoint. If a loving idea requires my time, energy, or money, and I do not want to give it to the people or the idea, then it is immoral and evil, a violation of my person and/or property, and not […] Read more »

Multiculturalism Violates the Non-Aggression Principle

I’m as tired of some of the black and white monological Ancaps and Voluntaryists as I am of the illiberal far left. Their black and white thinking suggests an immature manner of processing information, as well as psychological conditions known as “codependency” and “splitting“. To all of the “having borders and limiting immigration is a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)” people out there: I have a fence around my property, […] Read more »

Which Way, Westerners?

It appears that multiculturalism actually destabilizes and weakens society, and does not actually strengthen society. Duh, that’s the point, and why it was forced down our throats in the first place—to subvert and destabilize western culture and society to the point that we are easier to take over and rule with totalitarian forms of governance. The illiberal left are just beginning to discover that their ideas don’t actually translate to […] Read more »


Comic Artist Pro Secrets analyzes another article shilling for Disney’s Star Wars.  If Star Wars is so amazing after the acquisition by Disney, then why are they resorting to astroturfing techniques in their marketing, as well as Marxist and Fascist propaganda techniques? It is beyond deplorable that a company would stoop so low, and use every dirty trick in the manipulator’s handbook to sell their movies, and to sell the […] Read more »

Control the Words, Control the Culture

Words are magic, and their meanings incredibly important. The conflation and distortion of words, also known as newspeak and doublespeak, is the primary weapon of Leftist’s in their war on Western culture and identity. Becoming aware of the power found within our words, to either create or subvert, is an important step in reclaiming our personal sovereignty. The culture war is first and foremost a war of words – and […] Read more »

Thanos and Overpopulation – an Analysis of Fallacies in The Avengers: Infinity War

Do you think that overpopulation is a myth?  If so, why would such a myth be perpetuated on a regular basis by so many so-called elites in various industries such as philanthropy, entertainment, politics, etc.? Could this be another form of guilt manipulation, such as we see with “white privilege”, “heterosexual privilege”, and “male privilege” (as in, are we also supposed to feel guilty for being alive)? What other reasons […] Read more »

Stephen Hicks: Nietzsche Perfectly Forecasts the Postmodernist Left

The recent postmodern deconstruction and subversion of the Star Wars franchise on the big screen (in the Last Jedi) is an example of this pattern, and when watching the last two movies in the series, it all makes sense in context of them shitting on the original heroes to make them look bad, and to wish psychological distress on those who loved their hero’s legacy. “Master morality for Nietzsche is […] Read more »

Support Gun Control You Child Hating Bigot!!

This nails pretty much every half-baked and hair brained illogical argument I’ve heard on the subject of gun control.  There isn’t a single logical argument that they even attempt to make, as all they use are bullying tactics and emotionally charged rhetoric.  I will not enter into an honest discussion with purposefully ignorant people, but I will set boundaries and live the life I choose, regardless of what they say […] Read more »

Goodbye to the Left

Leftism attacks and demonizes clarity, distinctions, reason, relevance, precision, and nuance using deception, inversion, confusion, distortions, intimidation, name calling, conflation, and generalizations to subvert and pervert anything different from itself. Leftism’s logical end is a intellectually homogeneous society free from distinctions, uniqueness, individuality, free speech, and free thought—and it plans to get there all in the name of social justice and equity for all.   Read more »