The Psychology of Obedience and The Virtue of Disobedience

This is extremely relevant to the current drama playing out on the world stage.  Are you willing to develop your inner sense of Self to the degree that is necessary to leave behind this corrupt system of external rule?  Are you willing to take responsibility for yourself, and learn how to work together with others in a Voluntaryist manner; with those who also desire self-rule?  When push comes to shove […] Read more »

Social Conditioning: Is Pop Music Holding You Hostage?

This video clearly demonstrates how our music tastes are engineered, and how we rarely get to discover what we like for ourselves. It’s not a stretch to think that the “trending now” section in social media searches is also using the same formula for pushing what is and is not news to the unsuspecting masses. Incidentally, this is also the formula for the nightly news, morning news, newspapers, magazines, etc… […] Read more »

What is Shadow Work?

Some people think that shadow work is screaming into a pillow, or allowing full expression of their emotions, but this is a gross oversimplification of the role of emotions, and of the nature of shadow work. Our emotions are the messengers that communicate the current state of our alignment between our thoughts and our inner being (Source), and they provide us with detailed information, much like we would receive from […] Read more »

Genders, Rights and Freedom of Speech

I find Professor Jordan Peterson a refreshing breath of fresh air, as he is able to articulate multilogical perspectives, avoid getting baited by motivated and/or biased reasoning, and hold a rational discourse free from being argumentative.  I’ve watched more than a few of his lectures and interviews now, and am grateful that he is speaking up for truth in the face of Marxist political rhetoric.  I also appreciate that he […] Read more »

Money is a Symbol of our Creative Energy

Money is only a symbol of the amount of creative energy we choose to invest into any given experience and endeavor. The more value and worth we place on the endeavor, the more of our energy we will choose to invest. We only use money as symbol of our energetic commitment when we decide not to directly create the experience for ourselves. For example, I can choose to direct my […] Read more »

The Dark Night & the Five Steps of the Divine Marriage

The aim of higher human development is to discover one’s Self in order to reach the goal of the “Divine Marriage”, a long and often painful process of refining the lead of ego into the gold of Selfhood.  Overall, there are five steps in what is known as the alchemical “Divine Marriage” process, also called the “Divine Union” or “Alchemical Marriage”.  Have you ever heard of the concept of the […] Read more »

Feelings are our Dashboard

Our problems stem from our mindset and not from our actions. Trying to change our actions to change our outcomes is an attempt to control the effects of our thinking, rather than altering our core thinking responsible for our experiences. This makes us expend extra energy, and causes resistance, and is thus unsustainable, but it also keeps us looking in the wrong place for our solutions. We will be more […] Read more »

Subjective vs Objective Truth

What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” […] Read more »

Objectivity, Boundaries, Influence, and the Prime Directive

It is not fair minded nor objective to lower our standards of thinking to engage with those who are prone to closed mindedness, or are in the midst of an emotional bias causing them to engage us with motivated reasoning. Meaning, we do not need to dialogue with, nor consider, closed minded, biased, one dimensional, irrational, and judgmental perspectives in order to remain fair minded and objective. Engaging with the […] Read more »

Do we Have Free Will, or is Free Will our Destination?

“Human’s are “determined” by nature (biology and generational patterns encoded into their DNA) and nurture (patterns that are conditioned into them as children by family and society) – they do not naturally possess, nor exercise, free will. Their biology and past / current environments determine their choices; they provide the reasons for their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and not their inner being or will. Humans have no real free will, […] Read more »

External or Internal Unity?

Did you know that synonyms for “unity” include “unique” and “aligned”? External unity based on a shared ideology and conformity to group standards are the selling points of patriotism, religious ideologies, social movements, and more, and such external unity uses its weight of collective expression to exert pressure on the internal being of others different from them. However, unity can also be an internal experience of being aligned, where a […] Read more »

Are our Actions Cause, or Something Else?

Are you cause, or are you effect, in the material world? If you still think that your actions are what make a difference in the world, then you are still an effect, but if you have learned to integrate and neutralize your emotions, and have altered or are currently altering the core mind patterns responsible for your life, then you are well on the path to being cause. We do […] Read more »

What is our Locus of Control, and Why Does it Matter?

Do you have an internal or external locus of control?  What does that mean, and how does it relate to the Mandela Effect?  How does where we place our locus of control impact the quality of our lives?  If you are interested in learning more about this subject, watch on… In a the previous video I discuss our locus of control, and how it relates to cause and effect, and […] Read more »

Free Will & the Alchemical Marriage

Free will is the effect of the alchemical marriage, and we gain more free will as we approach it. Just as the alchemical marriage is a process we work towards, we work towards free will in our process. Our current free will is in our choice to process our way to the alchemical marriage. This lines up with the mystical text the “Kybalion”, which states: The majority of people are […] Read more »

Mandela Effect For PROCTOR & GAMBLE (Mind Blowing Reality Residue)

Here is a video that offers definitive proof that there was a MAJOR change, and that timelines have merged, as “Procter & Gamble” is the current timeline, but there is a lot of evidence, including government and legal documentation, that there was our initial “Proctor & Gamble” timeline as well. Mandela effect deniers want to blame “bad memory”, but this one shoots their theory in the foot. Read more »