Pro-Vaxxers, Herd Immunity, & Nietzsche’s Herd Morality

I have observed that pro-vaxxers behave in a similar manner as collectivists. This is what Nietzsche termed “herd morality”, which is the morality of the weak and the envious; they gather together in groups, and in their envy attack competent/strong individuals with their perceived collective strength. It’s essentially the mob mentality, also known as the crucifixion of reason. I find it ironic that the pro-vaccination collective terms the necessity for […] Read more »

The Burden of Proof & Violent Mass Events

The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove. The inability, or disinclination to disprove a claim does not make it valid. “Bertrand declares that a teapot is, at this very moment, in orbit around the Sun between Earth and Mars, and that because no one can prove him wrong his claim is therefore valid.” ~Your Logical Fallacy Is […] Read more »

Miniature Authoritarians & their Obsession with Compassion

Be aware that love, compassion, health, and respect are the main reasons for using force against you and all individuals who do not agree with the various flavors of authoritarian beliefs out there. Such people quite enjoy using their perceived sense of power, whether it stems from being in the majority, or from being in an actual position of power, to compel you to bend to their will. They’ll even […] Read more »

From Codependency to Sovereignty – Let’s Build the Wall

National borders correspond to healthy psychological boundaries, but instead of them being the psychological boundaries of an individual person, they are the psychological boundaries of a collective nation. Healthy boundaries are not a barrier blocking everyone out, nor are they an open sponge allowing everyone in, but they’re more like a filter that filters out unwanted behaviors and allows in wanted behaviors. Another way of seeing a boundary is as […] Read more »

Duality vs Polarity

Polarity is the fourth of only seven Hermetic Principles, which are the foundational laws of nature. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” ~The Kybalion, Polarity: The Fourth Hermetic Principle We make the distinction that duality and polarity are not the same thing. While polarities may be dual in nature, they’re not a duality. Duality is when things are wanted/unwanted (good/bad), but if you look […] Read more »

Crash Course on the Fundamentals of Defense Against Manipulation

The exact breakdown of the line which separates win-win interactions from win-lose interactions. One of the big questions of philosophy I never see people dive into is when it is NOT time to argue properly, or when to stop worrying about how to argue. This is not an overview of philosophical reasoning and the breakdown of how deductive arguments work. This video contains a crash course Fundamentals of intellectual self-defense […] Read more »

Toxic Masculinity or a Lack of Emotional Intelligence?

What’s being described as “toxic masculinity” is just a lack of emotional intelligence, which is something that women can lack as well. Emotional intelligence is the ability to turn one’s intelligence back in on itself, and to use intelligence as a guide to navigate one’s feelings. Creating the erroneous label of toxic masculinity misdiagnoses the issue by basing it on a superficial character trait, sets women against men, which in […] Read more »

The Two Types of “Persons”

According to Blacks Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1910, there are two types of “persons”, artificial and natural. Those who identify with an ideology, aka an ideologue, are an artificial person, and those who have done the self-reflection and inner work necessary to emancipate themselves from unnatural ideologies and systems are natural persons. We’re either subject to the law of reason (natural law), or to the laws of men; it’s our […] Read more »

The Collusion Between the So-Called Capitalist Payment Processors and the Neo-Marxist Social Justice Warriors

I wonder why progressives are so against capitalism when big name capitalist corporations, literally those who specifically deal in processing capital, such as MasterCard, Stripe, and PayPal, are furthering their cause by deplatforming anybody right of their far left ideologies? The SJW’s (social justice warriors), media companies, video game companies, and big banks are all aligned on censoring influential people right of the far far progressive left. The companies in […] Read more »

Needing mirrors

Right on about his example about apples and oranges, where he said something to the effect that “I prefer apples” suddenly means “what, you don’t like oranges?” The subjective, which is the realm of preferences, has been turned into the realm of objective needs, and made into the same thing. This drops everyone right into Karpman’s Drama Triangle of victim, villain, and hero. In his example, the subjective preference of […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson Responds to Angry Letters from Student Critics

Jordan Peterson on the mindless #NPC‘s who repetitively spew forth their ideology without actually having thought themselves to their own conclusions. “People don’t have ideas. Ideas have people.” ―Carl Jung We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic Questioning, Jungian shadow work, and the Emotional Freedom Techniques (meridian tapping)—into an easy to use system that allows people to […] Read more »

Dealing with the Causes, Rather than Effects, of Domestic Violence

In regards to domestic violence, and the supposedly evil men who perpetrate it: Too many people attack the branches of evil, aka the effects, and do not analyze issues thoroughly enough to go to the roots, which are the actual causes. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” ~Henry David Thoreau Emotionally and intellectually stunted thinking is the issue […] Read more »

On Sovereignty | Deep Code Experiments: Episode 10

This is an excellent and thought provoking discussion. Jordan Hall’s three aspects of sovereignty are basically the first three of the Liberal Arts, also known as the Trivium; grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Grammar corresponds to knowledge, logic corresponds to understanding, and rhetoric corresponds to wisdom; knowledge asks what, where, when, and who questions, understanding asks why questions, and wisdom asks how questions. In this system, at least from what we’ve […] Read more »

NPC Meme & Simulated Thinking

The NPC concept is something that I have been chewing on for a few years now, as various forms of mysticism have long recognized a brand of human that is not capable of thinking for themselves, and is called an anthropoid by some, and back fill people by others, but it basically equates to the concept of NPC’s (non-player characters) in tabletop and video gaming.  NPC’s are characters that do […] Read more »

The Second Treatise on Government, by John Locke

Please, please, please (did I mention please?), if you claim to love Liberty and feel that you are responsible enough to govern yourself, read the following book by John Locke, as it is the foundational work on the topic of self-governance and Natural Law. To transcend being governed, we must have a solid foundation in the philosophy that first demonstrated that we have the natural right to govern ourselves, and […] Read more »

Reason, Authority, & Natural Law

In this video I examine what it means to be an authority, both over others, and how it pertains to self-ownership and self-governance. I draw on concepts from John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government”, and show how reason is what differentiates the governed and those who govern. Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke: If you prefer a one time gift, support us on PayPal: Join the discussion! […] Read more »

Enlightenment: A Logocentric Focus

Enlightenment is not an end goal, but reflects the process of engaging in daily life; it is the middle step, and not the last step, in a three step progression. This is why so many great individuals speak with reverence of the beauty found within life’s journey, and that it is superior to the destination. The enlightenment period in Western history further developed many Logocentric philosophies, all of which dealt […] Read more »

Should Our National Borders be Open or Closed?

In this video, I have a discussion with Anarchistpost about whether or not the borders of western countries should be open or closed. We look at how they relate to natural law, the non aggression principle, and the self-defense principle. We approach it from different viewpoints and frames of reference, to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each other’s viewpoints. We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, […] Read more »

How do Globalists Divide Us? Globalist Balkanisation

To learn how decentralization, through using divide and conquer techniques to fragment a society, can lead to a centralized world government, I highly recommend watching this video. The open racism against whites that is now occurring, through encouraging open immigration and being openly racist against white people, is an attempt at dividing western society to the point that we collectivize into smaller, more manageable groups. We’re getting played at epic […] Read more »

Politically Correct Marxism

It feels to me as though Political Correctness is the religion for the left. While the left will often complain about the bigotry of the Conservative Christian right, I see PC as equally prone to dishonesty. In this video I discuss how PC has gone too far… ~RockingMrE We’ve created an integrative methodology called “the Unity Process“, which combines the Hermetic Principles (Natural Law), the Trivium Method, Socratic […] Read more »