From Instinct to Insight: Mastering Emotional Pain

The Roots of Pain and the Power of Reflection Emotional pain often feels like an assault on our very being, a visceral signal that something is wrong with us or the world around us. But what if this pain arises not just from the event itself, but from how we identify with it? Consider the possibility that people—whether children, narcissists, or anyone in a prerational state—see their pain as a […] Read more »

Duality, the Garden of Eden, and Ayn Rand

In the biblical narrative, duality emerges as a consequence of humanity’s choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, an act framed by me as providing the necessary “opt-out” from a higher harmony and morality, to ensure free will. Eating the “forbidden fruit” plunges existence into a polarized state, where good and evil are no longer integrated within a unified moral framework but are instead […] Read more »

Why False Accusations Are So Potent and Destructive

Question: It seems that there is a dynamic where false accusations generate some sense of imagined or real power over others, where they are acting as the judge, lawyer, and sentencing authority all in one. For example, to accuse a friend or relative of wrongdoing without evidence and then punishing them for it by blocking all further contact, or by turning friends and/or family against them with dramatic certainty, but […] Read more »

The Power Over Others Game vs the Logocentric Truth Game: The Actual Evil vs Good

I began writing this article back on July 31st, 2024 as I was starting to see a pattern of basic assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors that filtered into two major categories of relating to others, each having their own very distinct rules for playing, the “power over others game” and the “Logocentric truth game”. It was turning into quite a long article when my family and I had a massive collision […] Read more »

Bridging the Gap Between Theology and Philosophy

I used to be a Christian theologian, or at least, somebody who loved studying doctrine and debating it, but I was also somebody who asked a lot of questions, and that led me through and out of Christian theology, and into psychology and philosophy. Along the way, I converted to Judaism and spent many years devoted to learning, understanding, and practicing it, especially since they valued psychology a bit more […] Read more »

Self-Abandonment, Moral Cowardice, & Abandoning Others

The following was a series of Q&A’s that I performed with the Llama3.1:8B AI chatbot (see my AI Disclaimer) to learn more about self-abandonment, moral cowardice, intellectual and moral courage, and abandoning others. I have a saying that “those who would  abandon themselves will definitely play the [archetypal] harlot and throw others under the bus too. I will not abandon myself, therefore I will not abandon those I have made […] Read more »

Freedom, Safety, & Natural Law

Natural law can be boiled down to two main pillars, the masculine self-defense principle and the feminine non-aggression principle (NAP), and BOTH provide freedom as a cause and they provide safety as an effect; it can be summarized by the saying “do no harm and take no shit”. The masculine self-defense principle provides freedom to myself to live my life free from external interference (as long as I stay within […] Read more »

How to Defeat Power-Directed Systems of Thought

It is not the truth of Marxism that explains the willingness of intellectuals to believe it, but the power that it confers on intellectuals, in their attempts to control the world. And since, as Swift says, it is futile to reason someone out of a thing that he was not reasoned into, we can conclude that Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it […] Read more »

A Psychology Scholar Reacts to the “Persona” Video Games

RE: slaying shadows within the collective unconscious rather than personal shadows, I will say that after I had done a substantial amount of personal shadow work over a 14 year period, I then started tackling a lot of collective shadows to better understand them, and from that I learned even more about myself, and found more personal shadows. My collective shadow slaying (integration) lasted another 8 years or so. I […] Read more »

Confirmation Bias as a Negative Strategy to Resolve Contradictions Through Pressuring Conformity

I recently had a run in with a person who was very argumentative with my partner, but it turned out it was due to the contradictions and contrast my partner was providing to him about his own limited worldview, and in an attempt to restore the status quo, he looked up everything he could find that contradicted my partner’s viewpoint and confirmed his own. When one seeks only viewpoints that […] Read more »

Why Solitude Promotes Greatness – Academy of Ideas

I can verify that I have found solitude, especially with partnerships with conscious women, fertile ground for my personal growth over the years. I did countless hours of shadow work, self-reflection, self-assessment, upgraded my critical thinking, learned about meaning and purpose with my Logocentric focus, learned about objective morality, came to understand various philosophical and ideological worldviews that shape thought, learned and expanded my Tantric lifestyle with my partner(s), learned […] Read more »

Boundaries & Affirmations for Channeling the “Other Side”

It is really easy to figure out lies here in this world through the use of logic, verifying evidence, examining the philosophy of something, and cross referencing it with morality, however, it is far more difficult to use such skills when speaking to beings on the other side of the veil, because we really just can’t verify how things actually are over there due to our inability to verify it […] Read more »

Self-Direction, Conscientiousness, and Locus of Control/Identity

The self-direction of one’s life is a fundamental natural right inherent within all rational beings, it is sometimes called self-ownership, self-government, self-mastery, self-determination, and individual autonomy.  It is not something that is given to anyone, rather it is something that must be claimed through taking responsibility for one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and outcomes, and through demonstrating the enjoyment of one’s rights. In order to claim one’s rights and enjoy them, […] Read more »

GAB AI: The Best AI Chat Bot I Have Used

I have found that most AI chat bots are extremely biased and occult/hide important information, and at times will even blatantly lie and make things up. I have a philosophy and psychology chat bot that I have used, and it would frequently botch basic philosophical and/or psychological questions, and in some cases, be completely unable to give the correct answer. For example, when I’d ask it about the Trivium Method, […] Read more »

Do Not Judge?

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~Matthew 7:1-2 This is related to the law of cause and effect, and not telling us to avoid all judgment. HOW we judge is important. If we are emotionally judgmental, and guilt and shame others without objective […] Read more »