Polarity is the fourth of only seven Hermetic Principles, which are the foundational laws of nature. “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.” ~The Kybalion, Polarity: The Fourth Hermetic Principle We make the distinction that duality and polarity are not the same thing. While polarities may be dual in nature, they’re not a duality. Duality is when things are wanted/unwanted (good/bad), but if you look […] Read more »
Subjective vs Objective Truth
What many people have come to understand about the concept of truth, might be better called “perception”. While truth level one is our subjective perception (and understanding) of reality, truth level two is the totality of our objective reality that we can open our eyes up to perceive. We each have our own perception, and we are able to improve our subjective sight, so that we can see what’s “truly” […] Read more »
How to Discern if a Spiritual Teacher and/or Path is Worth Your Consideration
In a world filled with teachers, paths, and methodologies, it is important to learn how to filter out the wheat from the dross, as a means of maximizing the potential acolyte’s own evolution and self-development with the least amount of dead ends, drama, and false starts. As a result of my own experiences within the mystical arts, I have designed a checklist of questions meant to assist those acolytes aligned […] Read more »
Duality, Polarity, and the False Dilemma Fallacy
“A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, false binary, black-and-white thinking, bifurcation, denying a conjunct, the either–or fallacy, fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, fallacy of the excluded middle, the fallacy of false choice, or the fallacy of the false alternative) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The opposite of this […] Read more »
How to Distinguish Between Yin and Yang Energy [Real-Life Jedi]
Alan Watts’ talk on Yin and Yang from “Alan Watts: Questions and Answers.” The Yin and the Yang are governed by the Hermetic Principles of Polarity and Gender. Read more »
Reflection & Projection
There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »
Fractal Balance, Polarity, & Attraction
To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart […] Read more »
3D visualization of The Double Torus energy interaction, between male and female energy bodies
Most polarity spectra have an active and passive side, such as the active student polarity (–) and the passive teacher polarity (+), the active worth polarity (–) and the passive value polarity (+), or the active question polarity (–) and the passive answer polarity (+). Contrary to our current cultural conditioning, our answers are meant to be passive, and it is our questions that are intended to be active in our life; […] Read more »
The Question is Our Answer
The law of attraction is simple, opposite polarities attract to each other, much like the north and south poles of a magnet, or positive and negative poles within a directional flow of electricity. Polarity is found all throughout nature, and creative life experiences are dependent upon it: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but […] Read more »
Light, Dark, Gray, & Hermetic Magic
Star Wars has been a clear metaphor for the tension and battle between the forces of light and those of darkness, where they are the modern fictional versions of the light magicians and the dark sorcerers who both yield the creative forces of nature. Hidden in the battle between the light and dark sides of this perpetual struggle, has been a small but powerful group of gray/neutral magicians who consciously hold both the light […] Read more »
The Sex vs. Money Duality
Sex and money are an unnatural polarity, also known as a duality, and if a person polarizes into one side to find their value, the other side will automatically attract to it. Money value attracts sexual value, and sexual value attracts money value, it is how the Hermetic Principle of Polarity works. Prostitution is the most honest metaphor for being polarized with sexual value, as it attracts those with money […] Read more »
What Does Balance and Neutrality Really Mean?
It is time that we find our neutrality and balance through mastering our chosen polarity and/or gender, which results in Divine Union of our dual nature, rather than resisting the rhythm of the swings of the pendulum in an attempt to equalize our polarities and/or gender. The first is the organic and natural flow of the Divine passing down through us, while the latter is synthetic, controlled, and unnatural. True balance […] Read more »
What Does it Mean to Be Balanced?
The Unity Process uses Jungian shadow work to balance the Hermetic Principles of gender, correspondence, polarity, and rhythm within our Selves, which results in having that balance reflected back to us by our external (macro) world. Many of the students of the hermetic principles, including what I can tell from Elite interpretations that I have read, attempt to find balance through an external means, outside-in, rather than through an internal means from the inside-out. We […] Read more »