Can a “Private Company” Discriminate Against non-Mask Wearers?

I read on a friend’s FB timeline that a group of 20 plus liberty loving individuals went to a local Walmart in their area and all chose not to wear a mask inside. The manager asked them to mask up, but they politely continued on without masks, but when they went to the front to checkout, the manager had shut down all checkout counters and denied them service, and also […] Read more »

Mandates, Mandatory, and Consent

Let’s examine the meaning of “mandates”, and the “mandatory” label that gets used after the passing of so-called mandates. Mandate comes from the roots “man-” meaning “hand” and implies “authority over”, and “do-” which means “to give”, and together they literally mean “to give an authoritative command or order”. “Mandatory” contains the same proto-Indian-European roots, and means “containing a command”. Nowhere in either word is the concept of truth implied, […] Read more »

The Subscription Model Meets Self-Ownership

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” ~The Great Reset Imagine if you will, a scenario where you do not own any possessions, but at least you own yourself, right? Well, self-ownership, and owning one’s own thoughts and body, is the ultimate possession, so if we do not own property, we must first not own ourselves. The mindset of not owning any property has already been conditioned into us for […] Read more »

Is “No Mask, No Jab, No Service” the Same as “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service”?

It is being said that a “private” company (many are actually public companies) can refuse service for any reason, that the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule can now apply to “no mask, no jab, no service”, and that there is a direct correlation (apples to apples) between the former and the latter. However, this is actually an “apples to oranges” correlation, which is also known as a false […] Read more »

Managing Life Changes in a Process Based Manner

The secret to navigating life in a manner that is free from drastic life changes, a series of unfortunate events, and sudden accidents that catch us off guard and/or traumatize us, is to do so intentionally by working life in a step by step process, and with specific boundaries in place that enables us to do so.  Life changes and accidents are only possible when we need flashing neon signs […] Read more »

Why is it so difficult to wake people up to the truth?

I am often asked, especially more recently with the world caught up in such a gigantic lie, why it is so difficult to wake people up to the truth. This is a really great question, but it’s a difficult one to digest because it takes some humility and courage on the part of the one receiving my answer. If you’re not interested in eating a full serving of humble pie, […] Read more »

What are our Options to Fight Back Against the Coming New Order?

In regards to our current situation in the West, with the draconian medical police state that is being installed as a means of implementing the Chinese social credit system, I do not necessarily believe that organized protests or violence are the only or best answers we have available to us, and in fact, I think there are far superior options available that will be infinitely more productive and practical. I will […] Read more »

Cain vs Abel Masculine Archetypes

The brothers, Cain and Abel, as represented by Saturn and Jupiter, are currently in conjunction in Capricorn, and are here to retell the story of value, envy, and murder. Both brothers gave an offering to God, but only Abel’s offering was considered valuable enough, while Cain’s offering was rejected—as a result of his rejection, and his feelings of shame, Cain murdered his brother Abel, because Abel’s offering had more value […] Read more »

Solving the Mysteries of Life with Abductive Reasoning

I experience life as a great mystery, so much so that my curiosity prompts me moment by moment to ask “why” to gain understanding of the world, and my life, to explore and understand why it is unfolding around me as it is. Those with a high degree of curiosity and wonder, who don’t just take the world at face value and unquestioningly go with it, exercise a form of […] Read more »

The Assumption of a Pandemic

The most dangerous ideas in a society are not the ones being argued, but the ones that are assumed. ~C.S. Lewis In regards to our first worldwide “pandemic”, many are ASSUMING several very big things in their reasoning when they support the official authoritative narrative: the threat is real, and is caused by what they say it is caused by. if real and properly identified as the real cause, the […] Read more »

Society’s Role in Individualism vs Collectivism

Many people defend collectivism by saying that we need a collective society, but it is a direction of flow, and not an either/or black or white false dilemma fallacy between the individual and society. In individualism, the united collective is there to support, serve, and protect the individuality, rights, and autonomy of each person, while in collectivism, there is a conformist group mind and the individual must give up their […] Read more »

The Royal Track of Mysticism

Do you want to take your spirituality and mystical practice to the next level? If so, I suggest taking the path that royalty takes. Please read the exchange between Alexander the Great and his mentor Aristotle (see below), where Alexander laments the release of information in Aristotle’s treatise “Metaphysics”, as it gives the common man what only the bloodlines should be allowed to know. However, Aristotle implied that one cannot […] Read more »

How To Defeat SJW’s and Marxists

As we grow as an individual, and integrate our fragmented sense of Self through observing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and reflecting on them, we grow psychologically from physically oriented beings into moral and philosophical beings. Each state of being transcends and includes the previous states of being, and each state that we master makes us more and more powerful as conscious and autonomous individuals distinct from the collective’s unconscious […] Read more »

Exercising my Rights is a Crime?

Those who think that the natural transmission of a disease is a violation of rights and an act of aggression are being ridiculous, and such a notion is an inversion of negative law. They’ve obviously been playing way too many zombie related video games and watching way too much scripted television programming, therefore causing them to blur the lines between fiction and reality in their minds; the basic premise that […] Read more »

Empathetic Reasoning, Sympathy, and Compassion

Most people hold a different definition of empathy than I do. Their version of empathy is how I define sympathy, and sympathy definitely needs to be held in check, because it’s typically psychologically enmeshed “together with the feeling”, which is the etymological breakdown of sympathy. Empathy: -en (in) + pathos (feeling) Sympathy: syn- (together) + pathos (feeling) Whereas sympathy is enmeshed together with others in a feeling, and only understands […] Read more »

Equality & Equal Outcome is a Myth

‪Equality between people is a myth; those who want to feel equal actually want to feel special, to feel that their uniqueness can contribute and add value in some way. Those who don’t feel special feel inferior, and they try to find ways to compensate for their feelings of inferiority by trying to feel equal, but one cannot reach equality from inferiority, one can only flip into its dualistic counterpart […] Read more »

Individualism, Collectivism, the Non-Aggression Principle, and Mandatory Vaccinations

Mandatory vaccinations are an inversion of law that makes the collective’s rights more important than the individual’s rights, and this is irrational since collective/group rights do not exist, but only an individual’s natural rights exist. Mandatory vaccinations are a collective solution and not an individual solution, because they make each individual responsible for the collective’s well-being, rather than allowing each individual to be responsible for themselves and their family’s well-being. […] Read more »

Veganism’s Faulty Foundational Premise: Animal Rights

The ideology of veganism (distinct from a vegan diet) is a subjective ideology built on the flawed premise that animals have natural rights, and that their natural rights make it immoral for humans to benefit from them in any way. The ideology of veganism states that an animal’s rights stem from their ability to feel pain, however, at least according to the philosophy of natural law, rights are derived from […] Read more »

What’s the Difference Between Liberty and Freedom?

Here’s a few random, but hardly exhaustive thoughts on the difference between liberty and freedom. Liberty connotates what is right, while freedom connotates independence and the freedom to think, feel, and act as one pleases. Liberty is connected to self-rule and self-determination, but in a principled manner that respects the natural rights/liberties of others, and is a form of morally restrained freedom, while freedom is more of a general term, […] Read more »