Gray Mysticism and the Sixth Hermetic Principle of Cause & Effect

The sixth Hermetic Principle states, “ever cause has an effect, and every effect has its cause”. How does a Gray Mystic interpret the principle of cause and effect? Read more »

What is Personal Power?

When we speak of personal power, we are speaking of the ability to operate on the plane of causality, which requires understanding. Some people realize that they are defeated and know that they are just an effect at the whim of others more powerful than they. Or they like to pretend they are cause through their distractions, addictions, politics, family life, hobbies, competitive sports, job, financial situation, video games, etc. […] Read more »

Do We Create or Co-Create Our Reality?

There is an ongoing discussion in regards to the distinction between creating your reality and co-creating reality with everyone around you; and it is usually an either/or proposition. The issue being discussed is opposing the concepts from the “The Secret” and New Age philosophies surrounding “Create Your Own Reality”, therefore attacking the concept from this angle is attacking a fictional strawman of “create your own reality”, and not taking into […] Read more »

Reflection & Projection

There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »

What is a Grey Jedi?

One thing that many people miss when trying to understand the variations of Jedi is that they are looking at it as a completely fabricated story, and not realizing that they are all a metaphor for ancient and modern mysticism. Looking at their roots within Alchemical Hermeticism, along with Hermes/Thoth and the land of Khem, is therefore important. For example, the Hermeticist Sir Isaac Newton coined the term “the Force” […] Read more »

Know Thyself to Know the World

When we go inside and process our limiting patterns and emotions, we get to both know and understand ourselves, which causes us to both know and understand the world and those around us. This is after all a fractal reality, which explains the Hermetic adage “as above, so below, as within, so without”; where we can know the higher by first knowing ourselves here on the lower, and we can […] Read more »

Why do Dark Occultists use Sacred Geometry?

I made the following comment on a video that was demonizing sacred geometry because it was being historically used by dark occultists, and also currently being used by dark occultists in the entertainment industry.  I was quite frustrated by their lack of critical thinking and poor logic, which was good at pointing out that there was indeed a dark message being conveyed, but was accompanied by ridiculous reasoning based on their […] Read more »

Carl Jung and the Kybalion on Free Will

The mystic and psychologist Carl Jung on free will: “Where you are not conscious, there can obviously be no freedom. Through the analysis of the unconscious, you increase the amount of freedom. A complete consciousness would mean an equally complete freedom and responsibility. If unconscious contents approaching the sphere of consciousness are not analysed and integrated, then the sphere of your freedom is even diminished through the fact that such […] Read more »

A Strangers Guide to Saturn | Gods & Symbolism

I highly recommend watching this…although I now think of Saturn as more of a neutral archetype, it is definitely being used on our planet in a dark fashion, however it can also be invoked in more beneficial and caring ways. I think that the Saturn archetype has been steered by the ruling Elite towards a very specific agenda of domination and control. Just as alchemy, Gnosis, and Hermetic Law can be used […] Read more »

Fractal Balance, Polarity, & Attraction

To the mystic, balance does not come through meeting in the middle without polarity, but is accomplished through picking the active polarity and polarizing into it, and allowing the complimenting polarity to attract back to them. As an example, if a person has a male body, that is their active polarity, and they therefore must master what it means to be a male in order to attract their passive counterpart […] Read more »

Esoteric, Exoteric, Micro, Macro, & Hermeticism

Many arguments and misunderstandings occur between those who are disposed to esoteric relating and those who are disposed to exoteric relating; let us explain. Exoteric people are more concerned with their relationship to the “outside” and “external” aspects of things, as they do not look at what is within (cause), but prefer to deal in the realm of effects; religions are an example of exoteric spirituality. However, esoteric people are more […] Read more »

Boundaries Defined

Boundaries are a fence around our being that clearly define where we begin and end in relationship to Self and others, as they show us what is and is not a reasonable use of our value and energy. Our boundaries frame the safe space from which we are able to create the life of our dreams, where we can be as unique and creative as we choose. Enmeshment is where […] Read more »

Is the Occult Evil?

Many people associate the word “occult” with evil practices by witches with crooked noses, dark magicians, Luciferians, and Satanists, however, occulted information is quite literally just hidden information, as the word occult means to hide, hidden, and secret. There has been certain knowledge and understanding that has been occulted, aka hidden, from the general population of humanity so that they might be easier to control. Things such as Natural Law, Hermeticism, and […] Read more »

Re-pattern Worth & Value with EFT Meridian Tapping

Confusing cause and effect, including reversing them, will create the circular reasoning logical fallacy within the perceptions of an individual, which is a type of negative feedback loop and hamster wheel that traps the individual within its walls.  It is therefore important to correct this belief on a subconscious level whenever it is found. One of the common patterns that we’re conditioned into repeating is when we believe that we must DO valuable things in […] Read more »

3D visualization of The Double Torus energy interaction, between male and female energy bodies

Most polarity spectra have an active and passive side, such as the active student polarity (–) and the passive teacher polarity (+), the active worth polarity (–) and the passive value polarity (+), or the active question polarity (–) and the passive answer polarity (+).  Contrary to our current cultural conditioning, our answers are meant to be passive, and it is our questions that are intended to be active in our life; […] Read more »