Is Spirituality Logical? Why we Encourage Process Work

This blog post was inspired by an interaction on Facebook, one that is probably all too common, where a dissenter believes that spirituality and logic are mutually exclusive ideas.  Here is a screenshot of the interaction, her name was removed to protect her privacy: The following is my reply to anybody that believes that logic and spirituality are incompatible, loosely based on my reply above: Have you heard of the term “process […] Read more »

Does Convenience Make It Right or True?

Just because a system may produce results for you in this moment, doesn’t mean that it is a beneficial system or behavior — this just isn’t a reasonable conclusion. The question to ask is, who does it work for, for you, or for everyone involved? Many people act and behave in certain ways since it is easier for them, but they are not looking at the logical conclusions and end […] Read more »

Critical Thinking in Your Personal Interactions

Did you know that the Trivium method of critical thinking, of utilizing the process of asking “what”, “why”, and “how”, can be repeated in any interpersonal conversation?  Critical thinking isn’t just beneficial in an argument, but can be a way of thinking in each moment and interaction — as it can be beneficial to gain as much data as possible, and then process the data, prior to making decisions of any size.   […] Read more »

Honesty & the Truth

Honesty is merely the first step of truth, it is admitting that there is a problem that must be examined in the first place. If a person is dishonest about past behavior, then they are incapable of moving forward from this first phase, and remain firmly embedded in the lie of it. When honesty is not exercised, intuition is needed to determine if a lie is present, so that we […] Read more »

Escape from Victim, Villain, Savior, and the Duality Drama

We have the survival mechanism of “fight, flight, freeze, and tend & befriend”, because we’ve been conditioned to ask a very narrow set of questions, and seek for their narrow set of answers. This narrow line of questioning keeps us from experiencing the infinite potential available through the power of questions and answers. At the core of our dilemma are limiting questions, such as “how can I feel safe from […] Read more »

Renew Your Mind with the Unity Process & the Trivium

The more capable a person is of processing their emotional triggers and limiting patterns, the more they are able to leave their goal oriented life, to experience a strictly process oriented life.  We must all start somewhere, so we must start to work the process of letting go of attachments and goals, to finally experience the fullness of a life without goals.  Working the Trivium method expands our ability to think critically, as it is our responsibility to renew and […] Read more »

The Unity Process & Logic

Logic, also known as logos, is the tool we use to discern and filter the truth from the myriad of lies. If something is illogical, also known as a logical fallacy, it cannot be true. The truth can be known, and logic is the tool we can use to find it, and then align with it, but without logic, it is impossible to be in the truth. Those who state […] Read more »

The Unity Process & the Trivium

Utilizing the Trivium method of critical thinking within our personal relationships is the essence of the Unity Process.  Without the willingness to work the process of “what, why, and how”, and in that order, it is not possible to blossom into unity from within.  Knowledge answers “what” questions, understanding answers “why” questions, and wisdom is the synthesis of our “what” and “why” into our “how” questions/answers. “What” questions/answers give us […] Read more »

To Be & Have, or to Want & Chase?

Once you ARE it, you’ll always HAVE it, and your life will REFLECT it. The key is found within the realization that being it is not a goal driven, but a process driven lifestyle; it is in the midst of your process that being happens, whereas goals cause you to always chase it with actions. Would you rather be and have it, or want and chase it? This subtle but major […] Read more »

The Process of Enlightenment

Being enlightened is a process and a pattern – not a goal. All you need is to be aware of and connected to this process, and you’ll always have access to the answers you need. Once fully aligned with this process, you’ll never be more enlightened than you were when you first aligned with it, but you’ll always continue to change, deepen, and expand your Self-awareness.  Transformation results from being in […] Read more »

Are We Really All One?

Oneness is not a linear value or number, but a quality of intimate connectedness within our Self.  The belief that we are all one is only true once we are One inside, but until then, it is just enmeshment and codependency, which is a sick unity.  Being One from the inside reflects our uniqueness out, but being one externally enslaves our soul within our body.  We cannot experience the fullness […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »

Be the Change & the Unity Process

Here is the deeper truth found within “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – as you change, your environment will reflect each new change back to you. As you change the Source that looks into the Mirror, rather than just trying to control it, which is the current methodology, what you see when you look into it—changes! “Life is your Mirror, and you are the Source that gets to experience […] Read more »

Under Construction!

The Unity Process website and concept is under construction, we apologize for the mess! We will soon add videos, articles, and other materials intended to allow you to experience the Unity Process for yourselves.  However, you can now check out our blog, as well as information on the Trivium method of critical thinking. We are doing sessions as a part of our other websites, and, where we first perfected […] Read more »