The Immorality of Mandatory Vaccinations and Compelled Speech

Why are mandatory medical procedures, such as mandatory vaccinations, immoral? Here’s one reason: The scientific method is based on inductive reasoning, which is different than deductive reasoning in that the conclusion is not certain, but rather a generalization and probability based on the collected evidence. The conclusion of deductive reasoning can be certain, even if the conclusion is wrong (because it was fed incorrect premises), however, the conclusion of inductive […] Read more »

On Stupidity, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

One becomes stupid when they abdicate their will over to an ideology or collective; while they retain their intellect, their will to think independently, and to question their beliefs, is forfeited. “This was taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany.” ~Dr Cliff “DK” Kelly ‘Stupidity is […] Read more »

Circular Arguments, Emotional Reasoning and JADE (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain)

The government, the media, universities, and progressives all seemingly use techniques perfected by narcissists and those with borderline personality disorder, as they use ridicule and their fabricated victimization to get us to “JADE”. I highly recommend this video to learn more about this tactic, and what can be done about it. Read more »

Intellectual Self-Defense and the Four Circuits of Being

There are four primary circuits of being, and each circuit transcends yet includes previous circuits. physical → emotional → rational → moral A moral person has fully incorporated their rational, emotional, and physical states of being. The emotional transcends and includes the physical, the rational transcends and includes the emotional and physical, and the moral transcends and includes the rational, emotional, and physical states of being. A moral being is […] Read more »

The Politically Expedient Hoax of Climate Change

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” ~Mark Twain “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is […] Read more »

Moral Relativists Masquerading as Moral Absolutists

Many people mistake multilogical reasoning as moral relativism, and think that monological reasoning is moral absolutism, because multilogical reasoning takes a complex multilayered view of the world coupled with the humility to know there’s always more to learn, while monological reasoning is much more black and white, and appears sure of itself. However, monological reasoning (see definitions further below), which is black and white logic, is often informed by emotionally […] Read more »

Vaccine Injuries, Aluminum Adjuvants, and Aluminum Poisoning

I’m against mandatory vaccinations for philosophical reasons, namely because they have toxic side effects as noted by the list of side effects in the vaccine insert, and because it prohibits the patients right to informed consent, and coincidentally violates the Nuremberg code too.  However, there are also medical reasons for many to choose to abstain from vaccinations, one of which is the aluminum adjuvant used within most vaccines to antagonize […] Read more »

Jordan Peterson: Psychopathic Traits, Antisocial Behavior, & Hedonism

“If you’re not doing very well and you’re around someone who is doing very well, it’s very painful, because the mere fact of their being judges you. And so it is very easy to want to destroy that, to destroy that ideal, so that you don’t have to deal with the terrible consequences of seeing it embodied in front of you. And so part of the reason people want to […] Read more »

“Settled Science” is a Thought-Terminating Cliche Meant to End Rational Discussion

“The science is settled” is self-contradictory, as the whole point of science is to test, dissect, work through, and re-evaluate in an ongoing effort to gain ever more knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Such a contradiction is a red flag revealing biased science. Settled science, which is a thought-terminating cliche meant to end all attempts at meaningful discussion, especially with topics such as vaccinations, global warming/climate change, […] Read more »

Intellectual Self Defense Example #1

Here’s another intellectual self-defense post with accompanying screen shots. This was a conversation I was having with another somewhat fairminded individual in a philosophy group, where the main topic of the group is liberty. An ideologue jumped in and decided to laugh at and ridicule my main two comments (that contained reasonable questions) without actually engaging, formulating an argument, or saying anything else. I chose to call him out for […] Read more »

Putin Responds To Elton John: Respect Majority! Liberals Invented 5 or 6 Genders

I can get behind the main message of leaving children alone, and letting them decide for themselves when they’re old enough, and reasonable enough, to decide such weighty things for themselves. However, there is a subtle distortion coming from Putin’s view, which is the “respect the majority” aspect, as this is mob rule (also known as democracy). Some mystical sects viewed Jesus as a metaphor for the Divine Logos, also […] Read more »

Why Desire Limits our Creative Ability

Not sure if anybody has ever considered the etymological breakdown of “desire” before, but it means to limit and govern creativity and sovereignty. “de-“ means to remove or negate, while “sire” means to beget or to bring into being. Kings would be called “Sire” as a term referring to “my LORD”, as a King was considered to have the right to rule his people as a father had the right […] Read more »

Some Quick Thoughts on Marxism

Marxism is inherently a zero-sum mindset built upon envy and schadenfreude, and all of its children, cousins, and family members (such as Postmodernism, communism, socialism, deconstructionism, Progressivism, multiculturalism, veganism, environmentalism, and feminism) contain within them the zero-sum mindset of proletariat and bourgeois class struggle. They are inherently infused with the Dark Triad traits of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, and one of their main tools of domination is shadow projection via […] Read more »

History Of The Frankfurt School – Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism

History of the Frankfurt School: Where Political Correctness was born. Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory and the radical, regressive left’s push to destroy the family unit and use social engineering and mind control strategies to indoctrinate new generations in the west. This is where organized, methodical political correctness, social justice warrior concepts and a steady march to the hard core left started, while good, normal people were put to social sleep […] Read more »