Beware of False Dilemmas

We are constantly confronted with a coordinated agenda by the media and government with false dilemmas, which is a logical fallacy meant to manipulate us, and in many cases, manipulate us towards an unstated goal. This fallacy is used in situations where “only limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as […] Read more »


One common psychological theme I have been seeing a LOT in the media and government propaganda and rhetoric, is of gaslighting. Gaslighting “is a form of mental abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting his or her own memory, perception and sanity. (Source)” A movie was made in 1940 (and 1944), and is free on YouTube, called “Gaslight”, it captures this manipulative tactic perfectly — the PTB love […] Read more »

Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, and Alchemy

Everyone thinks, but not everyone utilizes critical thinking skills in their thinking. Enlightenment is not the ability to avoid our mind, but the ability to properly analyze and process information as it comes into our experience, to deepen our mind. It is the state of being in a continual process that is aligned with natural laws, and not misaligned processing, nor the avoidance of processing. Critical thinking is the gateway […] Read more »

What is Personal Power?

When we speak of personal power, we are speaking of the ability to operate on the plane of causality, which requires understanding. Some people realize that they are defeated and know that they are just an effect at the whim of others more powerful than they. Or they like to pretend they are cause through their distractions, addictions, politics, family life, hobbies, competitive sports, job, financial situation, video games, etc. […] Read more »

The History of Political Correctness

Political correctness is a farce, as it is taking responsibility for the feelings of others instead of allowing them to be responsible for them. If we are unable to say what we’re feeling, we are denying others the opportunity to deal with their feelings, process their emotions, and correct their root perceptions that originally caused the interaction and offense in the first place. It is a missed opportunity for us to work […] Read more »

Do you act to become, or do you act because you are?

Do you act to become, or do you act because you are? This is more than a subtle distinction, but a radically different perspective that determines the quality of your life. Acting to become is attempting to do something to be something that you are not already, however, acting because you are is performing actions from a place of awareness and self-knowledge, because you are already it, and now it […] Read more »

Do We Create or Co-Create Our Reality?

There is an ongoing discussion in regards to the distinction between creating your reality and co-creating reality with everyone around you; and it is usually an either/or proposition. The issue being discussed is opposing the concepts from the “The Secret” and New Age philosophies surrounding “Create Your Own Reality”, therefore attacking the concept from this angle is attacking a fictional strawman of “create your own reality”, and not taking into […] Read more »

What is an Emotional Block?

What is an emotional / energetic block? Quite simply, it is a lack of understanding, which is connected to our emotions and logic. Our emotions, which serve as a type of logic / CPU in a computer, function as a bridge between our perceptions (input) and actions (output). Understanding (our unconscious mind / emotions / feelings) is the bridge between what we think (conscious mind) and what we do (subconscious […] Read more »

Should We Trust our Instincts?

I’ts not good enough to just trust our instincts, as they can be laced with our emotional attachments that are the result from past traumas and limiting patterns of relating. We must trust our process, and our ability to discern the truth through asking the correct questions at the right time. While our emotional attachments can deceive us, our feelings can act as messengers that point us to the truth […] Read more »

Boundaries, Perceptions, and Cause and Effect

If you must set a boundary in an interaction, you do not yet have effective boundaries in this area of your life; boundaries only need to be enforced when they haven’t been previously set. Setting boundaries requires knowledge of what you are creating in your life, and an understanding of why you are creating it, so that you can make conscious changes to your root perceptions – which allows you to […] Read more »

What Does it Mean to be Empowered?

  There are two perceptual worldviews that we can build our lives upon, an externalized causality from the outside-in, and an internalized causality from the inside-out.  Those who operate as if the external world is cause will view themselves as merely an effect; and this is known as “victim consciousness”.  However, those who operate as if their internal world is cause will view their external world as an effect; and […] Read more »

Reflection & Projection

There are two things that can occur in our interactions with others—reflection and projection. Reflection is when experiences reflect back to us from others that show us aspects of ourselves, and projection is where we externalize aspects of ourselves onto others that aren’t actually them. Projection can be anything that we avoid seeing in ourselves and instead only see in others, good or bad, whereas reflection is always occurring, even […] Read more »

Are You Powerful, or Are You Empowered?

Many spiritual circles use the terminology Service to Self (STS) and Service to Others (STO) to describe the alignment of the various beings in our Universe, where STS is selfish, manipulative, fragmented, and externalized, and STO is integrated, whole, and creative.  We feel that the Service to Others moniker can be a bit confusing, since “service to others” has come to be associated with “sacrificing for for the greater good”, which is […] Read more »

Bertrand Russell & Social Engineering 101

Our governments and above have been studying and implementing mass mind control and propaganda for a very long time.  One of their keys to success was their placement of mainstream science as the official religion of the State, with doctors and scientists acting as their priests and clergy.  They then use the “appeal to authority” logical fallacy ad nauseam, where they prove their points, prove their agendas, condition the masses, etc., all […] Read more »

The Underlying Messages Sent to us Through Television Programs

It is okay to watch TV, as long as we are doing so with our critical thinking turned on (we use the Trivium), since most programs are meant to bypass our critical thinking and pull at our feelings, so that they can then condition our minds with their programs. Our critical thinking acts as a type of virus protection and firewall against the external programs that seek to make our […] Read more »